• I have the following action hook in my plugin for my AD setup page, but there is no AD title field added there [currently I am adding my AD title at the check-out, prior to the ad setup (image upload)] via the Woocommerce check-out field editor plugin, but that’s not very nice:

    do_action( 'advanced-ads-selling-ad-setup-form-types-after', $ad_types, $_item );

    I need to add an AD title field, so I wrote this callback based on the action hook and the existing target URL field:

    function advanced-ads-selling-ad-setup-form-types-after() {
        // Add field and label
        if ??? {
    <label class="advanced-ads-selling-setup-ad-details-ad-title advanced-ads-selling-setup-ad-details-content"
    						   for="advanced-ads-selling-setup-ad-details-ad-title-<?php echo esc_attr( $_item_key ); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'AD Title', 'advanced-ads-selling' ); ?></label>
    					<input id="advanced-ads-selling-setup-ad-details-ad-title-<?php echo esc_attr( $_item_key ); ?>"
    						   class="advanced-ads-selling-setup-ad-details-ad-title advanced-ads-selling-setup-ad-details-content" type="text"
    add_action( '$ad_types', '$_item' );

    I am not sure, do I need any “if” clause?
    And otherwise is this hook correct, if looking at the methods and fields already existing in my ad-setup-form.php:

    <div id="advanced-ads-selling-setup-head">
    	<div id="advanced-ads-selling-order-details">
    		<h3><?php printf(
    				// translators: %1$d is an order ID, %2$s a string with the number of items purchased.
    			esc_html__( 'Setup page for order #%1$d, %2$s', 'advanced-ads-selling' ),
    			absint( $order_id ),
    					// translators: %d is the number of items purchased.
    				esc_html__( '%d item(s)', 'advanced-ads-selling' ),
    				count( $items )
    		); ?></h3>
    		<div class="address">
    		if ( $order->get_formatted_billing_address() ) {
    			echo '<p><strong>' . esc_html__( 'purchased by', 'advanced-ads-selling' ) . ':</strong><br/>' . wp_kses( $order->get_formatted_billing_address(), array( 'br' => array() ) ) . '</p>';
    <div id="advanced-ads-selling-wrapper">
    	// iterate through all ads.
    	$item_count = 1;
    	foreach ( $items as $_item_key => $_item ) :
    		// check if this is an ad product or not.
    		if ( ! isset( $_item['product_id'] ) ) {
    		$product = wc_get_product( $_item['product_id'] ); // Get product_details.
    		if ( 'advanced_ad' !== $product->get_type() ) {
    		<div class="advanced-ads-selling-setup-ad-details">
    			// translators: %d is an item ID.
    			esc_html__( 'Item #%d', 'advanced-ads-selling' ),
    			absint( $item_count ++ )
    		<label><?php esc_html_e( 'Pricing option', 'advanced-ads-selling' ); ?></label>
    		$ad_pricing_label = isset( $_item['ad_pricing_label'] ) ? $_item['ad_pricing_label'] : '';
    		echo esc_html( $ad_pricing_label );
    		<?php if ( isset( $_item['ad_placement'] ) ) : ?>
    			<label><?php esc_html_e( 'Placement', 'advanced-ads-selling' ); ?></label>
    		<span><?php echo esc_html( $_item['ad_placement'] ); ?></span>
    	<?php endif; ?>
    			<label><?php esc_html_e( 'Status', 'advanced-ads-selling' ); ?></label>
    		$ad_status = get_post_status( Advanced_Ads_Selling_Order::order_item_id_to_ad_id( $_item_key ) );
    		if ( 'publish' === $ad_status ) :
    			<p style="color:green;"><?php esc_html_e( 'The content of this ad was already accepted and can no longer be changed.', 'advanced-ads-selling' ); ?></p>
    		<?php elseif ( 'pending' === $ad_status ) : ?>
    			<p style="color:orange;"><?php esc_html_e( 'This ad is currently in review.', 'advanced-ads-selling' ); ?></p>
    		<?php else : ?>
    			<p style="color:red;"><?php esc_html_e( 'Please complete the ad details so that we can process your order.', 'advanced-ads-selling' ); ?></p>
    			<form enctype="multipart/form-data" method="POST" style="clear: both;">
    				if ( ! empty( $_POST['errors'] ) ) :
    					<p class="advanced-ads-selling-error" style="color: red;"><?php echo esc_html( $_POST['errors'] ); ?></p>
    				<input type="hidden" value="advanced-ads-selling-upload-ad" name="advanced-ads-selling-upload-ad">
    				<?php $ad_types = isset( $_item['ad_types'] ) ? explode( ', ', $_item['ad_types'] ) : array( 'plain' ); ?>
    				<label><?php esc_html_e( 'Ad Type', 'advanced-ads-selling' ); ?></label>
    									if ( 1 === count( $ad_types ) ) :
    												<input type="radio" class="advanced-ads-selling-setup-ad-type" name="advads_selling_ad_type" value="<?php echo esc_attr( trim( $ad_types[0] ) ); ?>" checked="checked" />
    												<?php esc_html( $ad_types[0] ); ?>
    									elseif ( count( $ad_types ) ) :
    										foreach ( $ad_types as $_key => $_type ) {
    						<label><input type="radio"
    										class="advanced-ads-selling-setup-ad-type" <?php checked( $_key, 0 ); ?>
    										value="<?php echo esc_attr( trim( $_type ) ); ?>"/><?php echo esc_html( $_type ); ?></label>
    										echo '</div>';
    				<label class="advanced-ads-selling-setup-ad-details-html-label advanced-ads-selling-setup-ad-details-content"><?php esc_html_e( 'Ad Code', 'advanced-ads-selling' ); ?></label>
    				if ( in_array( 'plain', $ad_types ) ) {
    					<div class="advanced-ads-selling-setup-ad-details-html advanced-ads-selling-setup-ad-details-content">
    						<p><?php esc_html_e( 'Please enter the ad code. HTML, JavaScript, CSS and plain text are allowed.', 'advanced-ads-selling' ); ?></p>
    						<textarea name="advads_selling_ad_content"></textarea>
    				if ( in_array( 'image', $ad_types ) ) {
    					<label class="advanced-ads-selling-setup-ad-details-upload-label advanced-ads-selling-setup-ad-details-content"
    						   for="advanced-ads-selling-setup-ad-details-upload-input-<?php echo $_item_key; ?>"><?php _e( 'Image Upload', 'advanced-ads-selling' ); ?></label>
    					<div class="advanced-ads-selling-setup-ad-details-image-upload advanced-ads-selling-setup-ad-details-content">
    						<input id="advanced-ads-selling-setup-ad-details-upload-input-<?php echo esc_attr( $_item_key ); ?>" class="advanced-ads-selling-setup-ad-details-upload-input" type="file"
    						<span class="advanced-ads-selling-dile-upload-instrct"><?php printf(
    								esc_html__( 'Max File Size : %s MB', 'advanced-ads-selling' ),
    								number_format_i18n( apply_filters( 'advanced-ads-selling-upload-file-size', 1048576 ) / 1000000, 1 )
    							); ?></span>
    					<label class="advanced-ads-selling-setup-ad-details-url advanced-ads-selling-setup-ad-details-content"
    						   for="advanced-ads-selling-setup-ad-details-url-input-<?php echo esc_attr( $_item_key ); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'Target URL', 'advanced-ads-selling' ); ?></label>
    					<input id="advanced-ads-selling-setup-ad-details-url-input-<?php echo esc_attr( $_item_key ); ?>"
    						   class="advanced-ads-selling-setup-ad-details-url-input advanced-ads-selling-setup-ad-details-content" type="url"
    				do_action( 'advanced-ads-selling-ad-setup-form-types-after', $ad_types, $_item );
    				<?php wp_nonce_field( 'advanced-ads-ad-setup-order-item-' . $_item_key, 'advads_selling_nonce' ); ?>
    				<input type="hidden" name="advads_selling_order_item" value="<?php echo esc_attr( $_item_key ); ?>"/>
    				<input type="submit" class="advanced-ads-selling-setup-ad-details-submit button button-primary"
    					   value="<?php esc_attr_e( 'submit this ad', 'advanced-ads-selling' ); ?>"/>
    			<p class="advanced-ads-selling-setup-submit-error message"
    			   style="color: red; display: none;"><?php esc_html_e( 'The ad could not be submitted. Please try later or contact the site admin.', 'advanced-ads-selling' ); ?></p>
    			<p class="advanced-ads-selling-setup-submit-success message"
    			   style="color: green; display: none;"><?php esc_html_e( 'The ad was successfully submitted for review.', 'advanced-ads-selling' ); ?></p>
    		<?php endif; ?>
    	<?php endforeach; ?>

    Then, based on the action hook in my public.php :

    do_action( 'advanced-ads-selling-save-ad-content-after', $_POST );

    , I should write the other callback to store the field, but how do I do that?

    Would something like this be correct?

    function advanced-ads-selling-save-ad-content-after() {
        // Add field and label
        if ??? {
    <label class="advanced-ads-selling-setup-ad-details-ad-title advanced-ads-selling-setup-ad-details-content"
    						   for="advanced-ads-selling-setup-ad-details-ad-title-<?php echo esc_attr( $_item_key ); ?>"><?php esc_html_e( 'AD Title', 'advanced-ads-selling' ); ?></label>
    					<input id="advanced-ads-selling-setup-ad-details-ad-title-<?php echo esc_attr( $_item_key ); ?>"
    						   class="advanced-ads-selling-setup-ad-details-ad-title advanced-ads-selling-setup-ad-details-content" type="text"
    add_action( '$_POST' );

    Here is the public.php:

    [commercial code redacted]

    Thank you in advance!

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 6 months ago by bcworkz.
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  • Moderator bcworkz


    Hello @erikalleman !

    You’re clearly confused about the use of action hooks. You should review

    The add_action() function always requires at least two parameters. The first is the hook name or “handle”, the second is you callback’s name. While the first is on occasion a dynamic name that utilizes a variable in double quotes (variables in this situation must be double quoted), it’s normally something you only see in do_action() calls. It’s extremely rare in add_action() calls. If you are using a variable in add_action() parameters, you’re likely doing it wrong.

    Also, you cannot normally reuse function names in PHP. Your callback needs its own unique name. ‘advanced-ads-selling-save-ad-content-after’ sounds like the function of the plugin. It’s good practice to prepend all of your function names with a distinct string like your plugin name or initials. For example, I start all of my function names with “bcw_”.

    I might add my callback like so:
    add_action('advanced-ads-selling-save-ad-content-after', 'bcw_after_ad');

    We see the do_action call passes $_POST as a parameter, which is any data posted to the page. You callback can collect passed data like so:

    function bcw_after_ad( $data ) {
       // do something, maybe conditionally based on something in $data

    It’s actually kind of silly to pass $_POST since it’s a super global which is always within scope of any function. There’s not really any need to pass it.

    Advanced Ads is a commercial plugin, so the amount of help we can provide here specific to that add-on is extremely limited. We’re happy to help in general, but not specific to commercial plugins. While it’s normally acceptable to publish small snippets of commercial code (depending on their license terms), publishing an entire .php file likely violates their terms and any copyright they may hold. Thus I’ve removed the public.php code you’ve posted in your OP. It may have been OK to publish, especially since its name is “public”, but I’ve no way to know one way or the other.

    Thread Starter berry metal


    Thanks for the clarifications, I will give it a second try, and thanks for making the rules more clear, I was in doubt.

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