• I notice tht the area of my web page seems to be a default size of about 600 pixels. How do I widen the page (or is it the theme that needs to be widened?) so that I can fit more content. What is also confusing, is that if you want to use your onw header (picture image) you are supposed to set it to 1000 x 233 pixels

    Any help on this?


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  • All of your questions depend on the theme you are using, and typically you’ll need to post a link to your site if you want specific help.

    Thread Starter rkartman



    Actually, I meant to ask it as a general question, since I have not really done anything yet to start my actual page. If I am starting a new page, and want to have a page (or the whole site) that is 1000 pixels wide, can I adjust whatever default setting there is through the theme editor screen, or does this have to be done through code for each page?

    The width of the site is set in the CSS stylesheet — and typically assigned either to the body tag or to an inner wrapper div that contains the entire site. There is also the question of whether the site is fixed width or “responsive” (adjusts to width of browser window).

    Depending on the theme and how the layout is structured, changing the width is not always a simple thing — and usually would require changes in multiple places in the CSS code — so that the internal pieces fit right in the changed width (though some themes are coded using %ages so this might not be necessary).

    Unless you know a lot about CSS (and probably html and php) and want to spend some time messing around with the code, it’s generally a good idea to find a theme that already has the basic layout, including width, that you want.

    Hope that answers your question better.

    Thread Starter rkartman


    Thank you for your time on this. I guess I am surprised that setting the page width would not be one of those things that gets done simply, as I would think that this would be a standard request.

    Befor starting a website (not as a blog) is there an easy way to see what width each theme uses as a default?

    is there an easy way to see what width each theme uses as a default?

    no –
    possibly open the theme’s demo (most themes will have one) and use a tool such as Firebug https://getfirebug.com/ to investigate the formatting of the main elements.

    I’m LookinG In AdvancE..
    Of My ChoosinG A WordpreSS ThemE..
    Host.ED ON GoDaddy.com

    I’m WaiTinG FoR My NeW WordpreSS 3.4 To Be InstaLL.ED.

    With LotS Of WritinG..

    I LIKE To KeeP It SimPLE.
    Is TherE A WaY To EXtremE WideN (YouR WordinG)..
    My WordpreSS PagE..
    AnD KeeP ThE Sidebar As WeLL?

    On BLOGGER ThiS Is As SimplE AS 1-2-3!..
    So WhaTS Up!.?

    I GeT EverY AnsweR On EarTh EXcepT ThE RIGHT ANSWER!..
    ThankS.. FoR YouR EXACT HelP – In AdvancE!

    Is your keyboard broken?


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