You really need to have an understanding of formatting php and writing php enabled pages here in order to make this work.
Without knowing your theme; there is likely something called single.php in your theme files (or something else as someone else suggested).
When you create a new page within WordPress, you’ll see a drop down dialog box which calls for you to select a template. Have you actually verified that your theme doesn’t already contain this option for you? If it doesn’t, you’re going to have to create the template yourself, or, as I suggested, contact the theme’s author for further mods.
What you have to understand is that there is no one way to do this… every theme is different, and there could be dependencies in there which you’re unaware of.
Tho, I’m a big believer that you learn by mistakes, so, you could start here.
On Edit: You’re also going to need the software tools necessary to write php pages.