• I am building a replacement website for an existing site, using an entirely new host. The existing domain name for the site will be redirected to the new site and host when the new site is completed (which means the current site and host will be entirely replaced). I am not putting in for a domain transfer until the new WordPress-based site is ready on the new host. I just installed WordPress on the new host, and it follows the current domain name redirects to the existing site/host. I cannot get into the new WordPress installation on the new host to develop the new site – it only points to the current site, where there is no access to the WordPress installation. Can anyone help?

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  • I am having the very same issue. I can’t access the wp-admin area even using the temporary url I have for the site.

    I’m not quite sure I understand all the details, but this is their introduction to moving WP.


    I’m quite scared of all this database stuff myself. Anyone got a better introduction? Also, what is the best plugin for backing up the database and moving to a new server?

    This document doesnt seem to cover this issue specifically, but thanks for the info. What I need to know is what settings I can change to enable the temporary url I am using to build the site. If I knew what to change, I could change it for now to get the site up and runing the way I want it, and then I could change it back later when my domain transfer is done. Any ideas?

    Thread Starter cmcspanmcf


    The document is not applicable for this situation. The old site, https://www.nrbmlc.com is not a WordPress site – it’s just HTML. And it’s on a server totally unrelated, in a totally different location and organization. I simpy can’t access the WP login on the new host. When I go to the provided WordPress login, https://www.nrbmlc.com/wp-admin, all I get is an Error 404 page.

    You can’t have the domain name associated with two hosts and tell it to redirect to the old host… and then turn around and expect to use that same domain to reach the new host.

    I’m going to guess what’s happened is that after you installed wordpress, you probably put this domain name (https://www.nrbmlc.com) into your WordPress settings on the page that has the Site URL vs Blog URL… which is the wrong thing to do right now, because you don’t want to point to the new site yet.

    So… if that’s the case, then your settings are wrong and WordPress is only doing what you told it to do.

    I don’t know if you have a temporary URL to access the site at the new host, I’m going to assume that you do because you obviously were able to click “Install” somewhere… then this may help you get your site back

    Just make sure that both URLs are the same and both urls point to your actual temporary wordpress url and NOT the actual domain name where the other site is at.

    Thread Starter cmcspanmcf


    Makes sense. Thanks for your help. After reading this I contacted the host, they helped me sort it out. It also turns out that since someone else signed up for the hosting, I had not received all the pertinent info I needed when I set it up, and was using the wrong url – not the temp one.
    To anyone else with this problem: you MUST use a temporary URL in order to do this. Contact your hosting service for the appropriate temporary URL, and they will provide it. You will also need to ask them to send you the correct the settings, or ask them to reset them for you.

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