“…is that because you have also incurred this problem?
this is not the issue here – what is the result of deactivating the platinmu seo plugin?
your site for instance puts this into the browser:
<!-- platinum seo pack 1.3.7 -->
<meta name="robots" content="index,follow,noodp,noydir" />
<meta name="description" content="Marketing for Professional Services companies. ACORN's Blog Page. Blogs and articles about marketing for professional services companies." />
<meta name="keywords" content="Is your company ready for new business development? Being better at new business development, new business development, catalysts for growth, business building solutions, The Challenges of Marketing Professional Services Firms, business growth, grow your business, get new clients, E-Marketing Information, Prospectors, business personality, positioning, position, getting new clients," />
Is your company ready for new business development?, There’s a fifth key to growth and that is marketing!, What does all this have to do with professional services companies attracting new business, How are new clients going to be attracted to their respective companies? More than a few people have asked what ‘positioning’ a product means.
<link rel="canonical" href="https://acornbbs.com/" />
<!-- /platinum one seo pack -->
the part of the above within html or meta tags is fine – the text outside of the tags is what you see on the screen above the header.