• techsource


    Is there a way to remove or modify the dot under the mouse cursor? It seems to persist over the entire theme.

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  • same here. i tried editing the css file, at 2 locations with no success

    Hello everyone!
    The blue dot that follows the cursor engine was killed by making changes to the file ~\wp-content\themes\celestium\assets\js\script.js comment (or delete) on line 18-43.
    Enjoy it!

    changes to the file ~\wp-content\themes\celestium\assets\js\script.js comment (or delete) on line 18-43.

    This method of blocking causes text selection to be disabled in the hero block (mark tags).
    It would be more correct to disable it in the same file ~\wp-content\themes\celestium\assets\js\script.js line 23-24, 34-35 and 38-42.
    Good luck!

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