• Installed: CF7 + DTX
    I want to be able to do the following:

    1) User adds their Firstname, Lastname and Email Address to a CF7 form on Page 1.

    2) The user clicks Send and the details are emailed to the site owner and the user is redirected to Page 2.

    3) The Firstname, Lastname and Email Address are automatically added on Page 2 plus there are additional fields to complete.

    What I have so far:


    First Name: [text* your-first-name id:your-first-name]</br>
    Last Name: [text* your-last-name id:your-last-name]</br>
    Email Address: [text* your-email-address id:your-email-address]
    on_sent_ok: "https://www.domainname.co.uk/page-2/"


    First Name: Last Name [dynamictext* your-first-name "CF7_GET key='your-first-name'"]</br>
    Last Name: Last Name [dynamictext* your-last-name "CF7_GET key='your-last-name'"]</br>
    Email Address: Last Name [dynamictext* your-email-address "CF7_GET key='your-email-address'"]
    Phone: [text* phone]
    Postcode: [text* postcode]

    What do I need to correct to get this to work?

    Demo Link Here



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  • I want to know this as well! So badly…



    Me too!

    So do I

    I also want to do a similar one, In the form 2 i want to have a dropdowm menu with all the different submitted answers of the first form.

    Have you figured out how to do that?

    Muhammad Salman


    You can use the session validation to transfer the information from one form to other form as follow, Place the following code in function.php file

    function sb_cf7_session($atts){
            'key' => -1,
        ), $atts));
        if($key == -1) return '';
        $val = '';
        if( isset( $_SESSION[$key] ) ){
            $val = $_SESSION[$key];
        return $val;
    add_shortcode('SB_CF7_SESSION', 'sb_cf7_session');
    add_action('init', 'myStartSession', 1);
    function myStartSession() {
    	if(!session_id()) {
    function set_sessions($cf7){
    	$_SESSION['your-email'] = $_POST['your-email'];
    	return false;
    add_action( 'wpcf7_before_send_mail', 'set_sessions' );

    where your-email is your Page 1 field that you need one 2nd page.
    Following is shortcode that you need to add the previously dynamic your-email value on second form

    [dynamichidden your-name "SB_CF7_SESSION key='your-name'"]

    This is very helpful, but how do you direct the user to the second registration page on the same domain? Is there a way to use javascript to get the current URL?

    And, if there are multiple values will it send all of them or just one. I want to do both email and name

    This looks like a great plugin, however it appears to be way over my head. I also want to have the customer’s selection from a dropdown field on “Contact 7 Form 1” appear on the page to which they are redirected after they click the Submit button on Form 1. I have been reading through the questions here and am not having much success at understanding how this works. Some clear documentation would be appreciated, for those of us who are not native programmers.

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