• After looking through the stylesheet file, I realize that I’m going to have to read up on css. In the interim, however, I’d like to swap the positions of the two columns in the default theme.

    I’m guessing I have to change the sidebar to float: left, and change the margin for something to accommodate the change, but I’ve tried making changes in a few likely places with no result. I’d really rather not break the theme considering the other changes I’ve already made.

    Any help?

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  • Don’t sweat. You can’t. If you want a theme that is easy to customize – pick another one.

    I’m not sure why you say this can’t be done moshu.

    Try the following edits in your style.css file:

    You want to look for the #sidebar id and change the margin-left value to be something like 30px.

    padding: 20px 0 10px 0;
    margin-left: 30px;
    width: 210px;
    border: 1px solid green;

    Then for the narrowcolumn class, you’ll want to change the float from left to right, change the second number in padding (which correlates to the padding on the right) and the last number in the padding (which correlates to the padding on the left).

    .narrowcolumn {
    float: right;
    padding: 0 45px 20px 0px;
    margin: 0px 0 0;
    width: 450px;
    border: 1px solid red;

    I’m working on an example at podcasting.lisaboyd.com

    Hope this helps!
    Lisa B.

    Lisa B you obviously have not noticed that you still have the right menu faux column which is now behind your content. Moshu is a very experienced web developer and his advice is worth following invariably. He is right on the money about editing the default. Wise people do not attempt it.

    Hello I’m just starting to play with the layout of a new blog and I’m new to wordpress. Could you suggest a template worth trying to edit?


    For 2 columns: Gemini. For 3: Trident or Vesuvius. ??

    Thank you!

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