Hello Mrs.Marlene23
You can use this css code to make your button size 120px :
.wpProQuiz_button {
padding: 7px 120px !important;
.wpProQuiz_button:hover {
padding: 7px 120px !important;
Example from your page: https://prnt.sc/p5MyR6Y2P3rS
And if you want change the button size + color use this code:
.wpProQuiz_button {
padding: 7px 120px !important;
background: #006063
.wpProQuiz_button:hover {
padding: 7px 120px !important;
Example from your page: https://prnt.sc/tJiObiK4jfHT
very important: if you changed the normal button size to other value, dont forget to change the hover button size to the same value, i picked 120px for you because i feel like its perfect.. and you can change it if you feel you need bigger button
sorry for my english, im just trying to help as i can.