• luke-janicke


    I want to use wp_page_menu() without any <ul> or <li> tags.

    Is there anyway I can customise the output of wp_page_menu() beyond the regular $args?

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  • Thread Starter luke-janicke


    Or can I run a custom loop to pull Page details?

    Thread Starter luke-janicke


    I just discovered the get_pages() function.

    However, my setup below does not display them in menu_order and it does not exclude the specified Pages. Any tips?

    	$args = array(
    		'sort_column'	=> 'menu_order',
    		'sort_order'	=> 'asc',
    		'exclude'		=> '120,121',
    		'include'		=> '',
    		'child_of'		=> 0,
    		'parent'		=> 0,
    		'exclude_tree'	=> '',
    		'hierarchical'	=> 1,
    		'meta_key'		=> '',
    		'meta_value'	=> '',
    		'authors'		=> '',
    		'number'		=> '',
    		'offset'		=> 0 );
    	$pages = get_pages();
    	foreach ($pages as $page) {
    		echo $page->post_title;


    here is a way to ‘strip’ the ul/li/class from the wp_page_menu() –
    probably not the most elegant/effective solution, but works:

    	$args = array(
    		'sort_column'	=> 'menu_order',
    		'sort_order'	=> 'asc',
    		'exclude'		=> '120,121',
    		'include'		=> '',
    		'child_of'		=> 0,
    		'parent'		=> 0,
    		'exclude_tree'	=> '',
    		'hierarchical'	=> 1,
    		'meta_key'		=> '',
    		'meta_value'	=> '',
    		'authors'		=> '',
    		'number'		=> '',
    		'offset'		=> 0,
    		'echo' => 0 );
    $pag=explode('a href',wp_page_menu( $args ));
    $i=0; // counter to skip first fragment
    $pagelist=''; // output string
    $sep='<br />'; // separator between list elements
    foreach($pag as $pa) :
    if($i==0) {$i++; continue;};
    $pac=explode('</li',$pa); // break off useless overhang
    $pagelist=$pagelist.'<a href'.$pac[0].$sep; //build output string with separators
    echo substr($pagelist,0,-strlen($sep)); // output after removing exceess separator


    here is a less radical version – replacing the <li> with <span> and removing any <ul> </ul>.
    this is keeping the css classes and any titles or enclosing divs that come from from wp_page_menu().

    <?php	// list free page list with span instead
    	$args = array(
    		'sort_column'	=> 'menu_order',
    		'sort_order'	=> 'asc',
    		'exclude'		=> '120,121',
    		'include'		=> '',
    		'child_of'		=> 0,
    		'parent'		=> 0,
    		'exclude_tree'	=> '',
    		'hierarchical'	=> 1,
    		'meta_key'		=> '',
    		'meta_value'	=> '',
    		'authors'		=> '',
    		'number'		=> '',
    		'offset'		=> 0,
    		'echo' => 0 );
    	$pgl=wp_page_menu( $args );
    	$sep=' - '; // optional separator
    	$rep='</span>'.$sep; // adding separator to replacent for </li>
    	$pgl=str_replace('</li>',$rep,$pgl); // replace all closing li with closing span
    	$pgl=str_replace('<li ','<span ',$pgl); // replace all  li with span
    	$pgl=str_replace('</ul>','',$pgl); // replace closing ul, in this case with ''
    	$pgl=str_replace('<ul>','',$pgl); // replace ul, in this case with ''
    	if($sep!='') :
    	$pgl=strrev($pgl); $sep=strrev($sep); // this is needed for removing the last separator
    	$pgl=explode($sep,$pgl,2); // this is needed for removing the last separator
    	$pgl=implode('',$pgl); $pgl=strrev($pgl); // this is needed or removing the last separator
    	echo $pgl; // echo pagelist


    Try this:

       $args = array(
          'sort_column' => 'menu_order',
              'exclude' => '120, 121'
       $pages = get_pages($args);
       foreach ($pages as $page){
          echo $page->post_title;

    A few notes about your code:
    1. You don’t need to specify all values to get_pages().
    2. Check the defaults, not specifying these will save you time.
    3. !Most importantly! Make sure you actually pass $args into the function, not sure what I mean, check your original code. You specify all the arguments in $args, but dont them use them when calling get_pages() ??

    Thread Starter luke-janicke


    Thanks for those tips. I learnt a bit.
    Here’s my working result.
    I’m keeping all the $args because I intend to use a few more of them later.

    	$args = array(
    		'child_of' => 0,
    		'sort_order' => 'ASC',
    		'sort_column' => 'menu_order',
    		'hierarchical' => 1,
    		'exclude' => '120,121',
    		'include' => '',
    		'meta_key' => '',
    		'meta_value' => '',
    		'authors' => '',
    		'parent' => 0,
    		'exclude_tree' => '',
    		'number' => '',
    		'offset' => 0 );
    	$pages = get_pages($args);
    	foreach ($pages as $page) {
    		$menu = '<span class="hmenu"><a href="'.get_page_link($page->ID).'" title="">'.$page->post_title.'</a></span>';
    		echo $menu."\n";

    I needed something similar for outputting the page list in a custom xml document, so I could read it with another program.

    I used wp_list_pages() with a slight modification to two files: post-template.php and classes.php

    first post-template.php (this is where the wp_list_pages function sits):
    In the function, add a custom argument
    'wrapper_tag' => 'li'
    to the $defaults array. That’s it for that file. Then in classes.php, find the Walker_Page Class and find the line that reads:
    $output .= $indent . '<li class="' . $css_class
    and change it to:
    $output .= $indent . "<$wrapper_tag class=\"" . $css_class
    then, a little further on, change:

    function end_el(&$output, $page, $depth) {
            $output .= "</li>\n";


    function end_el(&$output, $page, $depth,$args) {
            extract($args, EXTR_SKIP);
            $output .= "</$wrapper_tag>\n";

    You see I included all the $args and extracted them just to get the $wrapper_tag, so this may not be the most efficient solution, but it works. I probably should have created my own funtion/class, but I’m lazy.

    Finally, to use it, just use:

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