• I have a blog about 2 weeks old ,it has been hosted in house by wordpress.
    Today I changed the hosting to “Hostgator”.It was done with Fantastico.
    It all seemed ok from the hosts end but how do I know by loging into my blog if the new hosts are in control as it were.
    Thanks in advance
    Ken (saintlyone)

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  • Assume your blog at wordpress.com was something like saintlyone.wordpress.com so, what is your domain at HostGator? Is it something like saintlyone.com?

    Depending on where WordPress was installed by the Fantastico install process, login could be at https://www.sample.com/wp-login.php or if WordPress is in a sub-folder it could be https://www.sample.com/wordpress/wp-login.php

    Typically to move from wordpress.COM to your own blog you would do Manage->Export at wordpress.COM then Manage->Import->WordPress at your new blog.

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