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  • Before the header: has that template been converted into a WP theme?

    Thread Starter webwonder


    Yes, it is a theme.

    Then don’t link to something else. Your link above does NOT point to a WP theme; it links to general html website template.
    Show me the WP blog that is using that WP theme!

    Thread Starter webwonder


    What? That link points directly to the wordpress theme. Anyways, how do I add my own header to it?

    You are wrong again… Your link does NOT point to the WP theme. Period. If you want we can argue about this endlessly. I have time. I don’t need your support.

    Here is the page about the WP theme based on the website template:

    and this was your link (to the original website template):

    You made me to download that template, open the zip file – just to realize that you don’t know what are you talking about. This happened yesterday and I was asking again about the link to the theme. You didn’t give me, you chose to argue.
    Good luck!

    Wow. Unbelievable ^^^

    I checked the webpage he linked and it’s actually a demo of a WordPress theme. WebWonder was right afterall. Any “argue” about this is pure semantic drama.

    Good luck with changing your header. There are other volunteers around here who can help answer your question, who won’t be so put-out about it.

    Most likely, it involves tweaking the code in your header.php and style.css

    I give up on this… with two illiterate individuals who cannot read on what site they are on.


    Take a minute to look around… take a minute to see how many new questions pop up… and then take a minute to look around and see the number of volunteers who have stepped up to take a leadership role here to provide support.

    You have to understand that ANY extra and UN-NEEDED steps you cause the people who are trying to provide support add up! If Moshu has to invest even 10 seconds of clicking an extra link… that equals two more questions that pop up on his radar screen.

    How long have you been using WordPress? Is there any way you can answer a question or two? Maybe you can help answer the easy ones and that will help Moshu by giving him more time on the complicated ones.

    The way I see it… Moshu’s job is harder than an Air Traffic Controller’s… and I don’t think he gets paid to do it either.

    And I have to add on more point. If anyone is willing to invest the time into reading the Docs section found here:

    you will become a WordPress expert. All the info is there man… it just needs to be read.

    @ Moshu, The site is not written in English. It’s another language, anyone can see. That doesn’t make us illiterate, and that is offensive of you to say. It’s a demo of a WP theme, that much is clear regardless of the language barrier.

    Why the hostility and name-calling?

    We’re just here to figure out wordpress answers, not to instigate an argument, as much as you seem to want that. If this forum is getting under your skin, take a break dude.

    It’s not name calling, just stating a fact.
    In the URL it says clearly: twilight-website-template (and is filled with the usual Latin “lorem ipsum…” type text).
    If the URL is not enough – you can right-click and View Soruce. It is a plain HTML general website template. If you find the link at top right (in ENGLISH) you can “Return to templates” and read more. Still in English. Then you may find a link to a WP theme based on this general template.

    As I told you earlier in another thread: don’t come to the topics where I posted stalking me and posting smartass comments.

    I am in the thread to respond to WW’s question. I disagree with your conclusion that the link does not go to a WP theme. He said clearly, and all signs indicate, that WW is in fact using the Twilight WordPress Theme, and he linked us to the webpage of it. Seems absurd to derail his question on semantics and picking a fight. Reasonable people can disagree. The forum is open to volunteer responses of varying perspectives and experience. No 1 person is always right, and there’s usually more than 1 way to answer something in WP. If someone answers differently from you, you can agree, disagree, or ignore — no harm done.

    It is not a fact that myself, or WW, is illiterate. That is an offensive attack by Moshu against people who write and speak other languages.

    The idea of me stalking you is in your paranoid imagination. I am here frequently asking questions and offering reponses; you are here frequently too, it is likely that we are in some of the same threads.


    Oops… Dgold, I thought you were talking to me. Nevermind on my comment.

    However, really… I must say, if one lousy theme is causing us all to get a little edgy… why not choose a different theme?


    In response to the comment directed to me…

    Very true. I hope we can find a solution for WebWonder.

    “Why the hostility and name-calling?”

    Not sure what you mean here. Never called anyone names.. nor am I hostile. ??

    Perhaps I perceived this situation wrong. To me it seemed like you were jumping down Moshu’s throat a little bit.

    Also if this site is not written in English, then how is it expected that Moshu can read it too..

    With so much trouble over one theme… WebWonder might want to check out another theme out of the thousands that are available.

    garryconn wrote,
    If Moshu has to invest even 10 seconds of clicking an extra link… that equals two more questions that pop up on his radar screen.

    moshu wrote,
    If you want we can argue about this endlessly. I have time.

    Thanks for the questionaire, garry. I’ve been using WP for about 2 years. I have read the Codex. I try to answer as many questions as I can. I see that Moshu answers many questions. Sometimes the answers are good. Sometimes the answers can benefit from someone else offering a supplemental reply. Sometimes Moshu’s answers just come across as attacking people. I am positive that there is room for other people to reply in addition to whatever he chooses to post. WordPress is about commmunity, not any 1 person.

    The link needs to go to the WP blog and the theme in question. Live. Not what it looked like in html before it got screwed up. Not a jpg. The thing. Working. Or ideally broken so that we can see it and read the code. That is what we do.


    I am the new guy… and I came here because I had a fairly complicated question and discovered that there was a huge need for support here.

    I apologize to you… In fact, I was trying to see if there was a way to contact you out of the forum to do so.. but there is not. I am here to help and not step on toes. I should have more careful when reading this thread. For one… it was already covered by two other people and two it was fire that I shouldn’t have stepped in.

    Let’s get things started off on the right foot. I hope you accept my apology. With you being here for two years, I would like to speak with you in private. If you could give me that opportunity I would appreciate it. Please contact me at garryconn [@]

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