• I want:

    – free shipping to UK
    – price £xx per item for European orders
    – price £yy per item for the rest of the world countries

    How can I do this? I’ve spent 60 min installing and configuring but such an options doesn’t seem possible

    Also… if I specify weights per item – can the postage charge for international orders be determined by the weights?

    Woocommerce seems awesome so far – if I can figure out the above I’ll be able to use




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  • Thread Starter OM2


    @damnsharp, sounds like a plan ??
    heck i’m being serious! – but need to make a success of my website first and prove it all works

    @travellers… not sure how important the post code is for you – is it an absolute mission critical factor?

    how big is your ecommerce operation? (not asking for details as such)

    i’m sure there’s many bits that woocommerce is lacking in – but i’m happy as long as i can have something to start and test my ideas for an ecommerce website

    fundamental things like the shipping options problem had to be solved – without this, i couldn’t really make a start – selling internationally i already do on ebay – so this was a realistic part of the plan right from the begining

    i’d suggest you start looking at magento – i blindly say this with no experience – just going on what every else says about it being the big beast – mother of all mothers (i thunk that’s how the saying goes!)

    else: if it’s JUST this factor stopping you, then get someone to code the change you require

    hope my thoughts help if nothing else ??

    My application is fairly low-scale – they can be expensive products, but sales volumes in single figures per week usually, or just into double figures.

    I’m a bit too far in now to start looking at alternatives, having spent a pretty substantial amount of time in configuring this for my needs and learning ‘hooks’ and stuff. It isn’t so much essential to get the post/zip code filtering working as long as I can come up with an alternative way of managing this bit, but I have to do something about it otherwise all sales up that way end up costing me considerably more in postage than the flat rate I’m charging for the UK. What’s frustrating me is that it looks like at least some people have got this working, and of course it is actually IN this woo release so Woo must think it works too – it just doesn’t seem to ‘trigger’ here for me.

    I’m wondering this myself. It seems like there ought to be a way to ship to your home country, and then all other countries. Or a way to group countries by continent or something. If I want a specific price to Europe I shouldn’t have to manually enter all the countries in europe.

    woocommerce has been awesome to work with, but i am struggling with shipping.

    Thread Starter OM2


    @helgatheviking, I think a solution to add/group countries to solve the postage problem shouldn’t be all that hard to code

    It’s a pain in the backside having to group – but for me I’m happy since at least it works
    + importantly I can understand how to use – this can’t be said for other open source solutions that I’ve tried

    hey people your convo was really helpful but i have one question. well i instaled the AWD weight/country shipping thing is that option appears on woocommerce>settings>shipping under “shipping options” but as a new tab it is not shown. if anyone knows how to correct thing that would be awesome.

    ok pewww.. fixed it guys if you have ever have a problem with a plugin i suggest reinstalling woocommerce again because most of free plugins actives correctly at the default state of the woocommerce plugin and btw AWD weight/Shipping is priceless man it made my day. hats off to the developer>

    @om2 and @travellers, sorry for late reply. I coudn’t help out.
    By the way, my shop is almost ready, I guess next week online and than I’ll have to see how many customers I get. I expect not so many but it is more a test project for me because I am in the first place a web developer.
    I sell souvenirs so I needed the shipping to work. ??



    Hello, thanks for all your tips in this thread they have been very helpful. I had one questions RE the plugin and the rules that were mentioned in an earlier post that maybe someone can help with if they are still checking this thread.

    for the weight based model to work though, i have set up looooads of rules – for <100g, <200g… <500g etc

    I am using this to setup lettermail postage. The rates are setup through Canada post as 100-200g, 200-300g for example. How would you suggest setting up these ‘ranges’?



    p.s. also, with Canada Post there is a single ‘international’ rate (based on weights) for all other countries outside of the US and Canada . Is there a way to set something like this without manually entering every country on the country list in the plug-in?



    Great read by you guys, yea you should consult.

    I’ve got one for you I’m stuck on, cant figure it out for the life of me… any help would be greatly appreciated.

    I want to set it up so if it’s being shipped to Canada it’s an extra $5.00 above Flat rate

    and if it’s going to Australia it’s an extra $10 above Flat rate

    I’m stuck at adding countries, how do I edit the pricing for different countries, I got it setup for Canada $5.00 works fine.. just cant figure out how to add Australia for the $10.00 click it drag it in??? I’m puzzled…

    I have a couple questions as we’re looking for something similar. I don’t need the by-weight confguration; I’m looking for something far simpler, but I can’t seem to figure it out. Here’s the scenario:

    I’ve separated everything into two demographics: 1) shipping in Canada and the US 2) shipping everywhere else.

    We basically just want to define flat rate shipping for each product group based on where it’s going. For example, a t-shirt would be $5 to ship in Canada and the US, and $10 to ship anywhere else.

    Here is the way I was thinking of setting it up: I’ve set up my Flat Rate shipping to only allow to Canada and the US, and I’ve set my International Delviery to allow shipping everywhere else. So, I’ve gone ahead and created a shipping class for ‘TShirts-Canada/US’ and assigned it to the Flat Rate settings as $5. So far so good…

    The problem comes now when I go to set up the International Shipping. I’ve created another shipping class called .TShirts-EverywhereElse’ but when I go to the International Shipping settings, I can’t see where to define the shipping class at $10 there.

    Does the International Shipping not allow for this? If not, do you have some suggestions on how I could set up the shipping the way I want?

    Nevermind all! The WooThemes Table Rate plugin allowed me to do exactly what I wanted.

    FYI, you can get the Table Rate here for free [redacted]

    The problem i am having atm is when i go to checkout, it comes up as 404. the system is just not working ??

    This problem is still doing my head in ?? I’m goina try this addon now. wish me luck!

    Am using “Table Rate Shipping” and we were doing fine until we encountered changed shipping fees based on a combination of weight & size. As an example if I sell “small box” alone then the shipping class “small” would calculate the correct shipping fee. If I then sell “big box” alone then the shipping class “big” works fine.

    But if the client buys one “small box” and one “big box” then unless we ship in 2 separate packages, the calculated shipping fee is wrong (too low).

    What I need is for system to use shipping class “big” for both items if a “small box” and a “big box” are purchased together. Possible?

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