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  • Hi,

    Open \wp-content\plugins\contus-video-gallery\hdflvvideoshare.php file and find add_filter('the_content', 'videogallery_pagereplace'); and repalce with the following code.

    Thread Starter natashayi


    It worked! Thank you SO much! You are a lifesaver @karthikeyani



    Hi Guys, I have just started looking at this plugin again. With reference to the above, I was disappointed that you do not have a Widget to show videos by category.
    e.g. I have video categories for animals and a page for dogs and a page for cats. How do I show in a widget, the last 5 videos posted for the category cats on the cats page and the last 5 videos posted for dogs, on the dogs page?

    is this possible?


    Open \wp-content\plugins\contus-video-gallery\hdflvvideoshare.php file and find add_filter(‘the_content’, ‘videogallery_pagereplace’); and replace with the following code.

    add_shortcode('videosec', 'video_moreidreplace');
    function video_moreidreplace($arguments = array()) {
        global $frontControllerPath, $frontModelPath, $frontViewPath, $wp_query;
        $playid = $arguments['id'];
        $wp_query->query_vars["playid"] = $playid;
        include_once ($frontControllerPath . 'videomoreController.php');
        $videoOBJ = new ContusMoreView();
        if (!empty($playid)){
            $more = 'cat';
    	if($arguments['rows'] && $arguments['cols']) {
    		$contentvideoPlayer = $videoOBJ->video_more_pages($more, $arguments);
    	} else {
    	    $contentvideoPlayer = $videoOBJ->video_more_pages($more,$arguments = array());
        return $contentvideoPlayer;

    2) Create new text widget in your admin panel and paste the following shortcode code.

    [videosec type=category id=2 rows=1 cols=4]

    The above shortcodes will display the thumb images of category ID 2). If you have more videos then you can control the videos list using the “rows” and “cols” in the above shortcode.

    3) Open /wp-content/plugins/contus-video-gallery/front/views/videomore.php and find function video_more_pages( $type ) and replace with function video_more_pages($type, $arguments)

    Now find case 'cat': in the same file. inside the case you can find the below code.

    $rowF  = $this->_settingsData->rowCat;
    $colF  = $this->_settingsData->colCat;

    Now replace with

    if($arguments['rows'] && $arguments['cols']) {
    $rowF           = $arguments['rows'];
    $colF           = $arguments['cols'];
    } else {
    $rowF           = $this->_settingsData->rowCat;
    $colF           = $this->_settingsData->colCat;

    Find $pagenum = isset( $this->_pagenum ) ? absint( $this->_pagenum ) : 1; and replace with

    $play_id = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'playid');
    if($this->_playid == $play_id){
    $pagenum            = isset($this->_pagenum) ? absint($this->_pagenum) : 1;
    } else {
    $pagenum            = 1;
    $total          = $CountOFVideos;
    $num_of_pages   = ceil($total / $dataLimit);
    $arr_params     = array ( 'playid'=> $this->_playid, 'pagenum' => '%#%' );
    $page_links     = paginate_links(array(
    'base'      => add_query_arg($arr_params),
    'format'    => '',
    'prev_text' => __('?', 'aag'),
    'next_text' => __('?', 'aag'),
    'total'     => $num_of_pages,
    'current'   => $pagenum
    if ($page_links) {
    $div .='<div class="tablenav"><div class="tablenav-pages" >' . $page_links . '</div></div>';

    Find function categoryList. Before this function you can find the following set of code.

    $total = $CountOFVideos;
    				$num_of_pages = ceil( $total / $dataLimit );
    				$page_links   = paginate_links(
    							'base' => add_query_arg( 'pagenum', '%#%' ),
    							'format' => '',
    							'prev_text' => __( '?', 'aag' ),
    							'next_text' => __( '?', 'aag' ),
    							'total' => $num_of_pages,
    							'current' => $pagenum,
    				if ( $page_links ) {
    					$div .= '<div class="tablenav"><div class="tablenav-pages" >' . $page_links . '</div></div>';

    Remove or hide the above mentioned code.

    4) Finally open /wp-content/plugins/contus-video-gallery/front/models/videomore.php and find public function home_catthumbdata($thumImageorder,$pagenum,$dataLimit). Inside the function you can find the below code.

    $pagenum = isset( $pagenum ) ? absint( $pagenum ) : 1;
    $offset  = (  $pagenum - 1  ) * $dataLimit;

    now replace with the following code.

    $offset = 0;
    $pagenum = isset($pagenum ) ? absint($pagenum ) : 1;
    $play_id = filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'playid');
    if($play_id == $thumImageorder){
    $offset = ( $pagenum - 1 ) * $dataLimit;

    If you are facing difficulties in this, please contact our supporting team at [email protected]. So that we can check from our end and assist you accordingly.



    Wow, would much prefer this kind of setting through the user interface :/
    But thanks for the quick response. Please see my other post about updates. If I am to make all the changes above and you guys release a new version, do I have to manually go back and put this code back in?
    How am I suppose to track the changes etc (or do you not update the plugin?)


    Yes this feature will be available in our next release and our next version is under testing. Once we complete you can get our latest version in



    Please will you let me know what the update is available. I will wait for that instead of trying to do the above.
    Many thanks for your help.

    The shortcode [videosec type=category id=2 rows=1 cols=4] will be available in our next release and you can expect our next version in the next week.

    We have had there is a few days this error message on all publications of our web site:”Warning: preg_replace_callback(): Compilation failed: missing opening brace after \o at offset 18 in /home/ivoire14/public_html/lesloisirs/wp-content/plugins/contus-video-gallery/hdflvvideoshare.php on line 564″
    In seeking a lasting solution, we have disable the plugin video gallery.
    Thank you for your help.

    Have you tried this solution? If not please try it. If you are still facing any difficulties in this feel free to contact our supporting team at [email protected]

    Apologies, I returned from a trip here is why it is now that I just saw your proposed solution. In fact, I do not find this line “add_filter(‘the_content’, ‘videogallery_pagereplace’);” in the file “\wp-content\plugins\contus-video-gallery\hdflvvideoshare.php”. I have a feeling that all ficers were changed, maybe an update. I believe that to solve my problem.
    It happens that I meet a new worries and this time with the video home page “[videohome]”. Clicking on “More Videos ?”(featured, popular or recent videos), we have the 404 error page.
    Also when saving settings video gallery, I get the message “Enter valid Google Analytics Tracking Code.” This prevents the backup of all changes.

    Sincerely yours


    1) To resolve 404 error problem, kindly ensure that you have a page with the short code [videomore] under Admin -> Pages -> (no title) or (Video Categories). If you don’t have the page please create a new one with the content [videomore] and save it without page title. It is a hidden page for Categories, Popular, Recent, Related videos page and search video page. For more clarification, please refer the following link.

    If you still facing the same issue, go to admin -> Settings -> Permalinks -> set it to default and check front pages. If the pages are working fine, now set the permalink to Post name and check. This step is to refresh the perma structure of wordpress.

    2) For Google Analytics code message, please make sure you have entered valid tracking code. For example tracking code will look like the following one UA-52354632-1

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