• polarweb


    Greetings, and my apologies for this beginner’s question.

    We have a WP blog. We want to install the Akismet plugin that came with it in the dashboard. WP is asking us for an API key. We don’t have any record of receiving one. How do we get it? It’s not in our profile or anywhere else we’ve looked. I cannot find anything on this topic here in the support.

    I would greatly appreciate a quick bit of help with this.

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  • DianeV


    As far as I know, you just sign up for an account at wordpress.com. The instructions are here:

    Then you get the API key either at the email address you used to sign up, or by logging into your account.

    Activate Akismet in your WP install, paste in the API, and you’re done.



    I’m unable to find my API key too.

    I have a personal wordpress blog (ie not hosted by wordpress), and I’ve trawled my settings, as well as my old email, and can’t find it.

    I know I’ve had it in the past, as I’ve installed a Flickr plugin… but dammit if I can’t find the key again.



    as he said above wordpress.com for API keys not .org

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