• Hello friends.

    My site is at https://www.gembrookcricket.com

    I have several issues with it. Any help would be much, much appreciated.

    1) How do I change the colour of the bars behind ‘categories’, ‘blogroll’ etc to the same green as the one in my header?

    2) How do I change the name of ‘Blogroll’ to ‘links’?

    3) How do I change the color of the heading of a post (for example the post ‘brand new website’) to a darker shade of green to match the header?

    4) How do I make it so that the ‘no comments’ thing does not show? Most of my posts will disallow comments.

    5) How do I make it so the sponsors’ logos on the front page actually link to a URL?

    6) Why, even though I have tried to separate the pages into the order of The Club, Players, Fixtures, Sponsors, History, does my front page continue to show them out of order (with Fixtures first, for instance)?

    Apologies if this is too many questions in one post. As I said, any help would be appreciated.

    Many thanks.

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  • 1. In green.css, try changing:

    #navigation {


    #navigation {

    2. Try changing the name of the Blogroll category in Admin/Links/Link Categories.

    3. Try adding:

    .post h2 a,.page h2 a {color:#006D0;}

    to the bottom of green.css.

    4. Go through your theme’s template files and try changing every reference to:

    <?php comments_popup_link( [ some parameters ]); ?>


    <?php if('open' == $post->comment_status) : ?><?php comments_popup_link( [ some parameters ]); ?><?php endif;?>

    5. Try placing the sponsor’s site url in the link around the image within sidebar.php

    6. Unless it’s customised or a static front page, your front page will show your posts in strict date/time order – newest first.

    a Note about the Pages order:
    when you make a page you can set the order number from within the dashboard
    so if Home is 0

    and you want the Club next in line
    make its order number 5

    the next
    10 etc..
    that should line them up correctly in the menu bar

    If they are posts..what esmi said.

    Thread Starter johnnysomebody


    Thankyou so much for your help, esmi. You are a champion. 5 out of 6 solutions worked (I will explain the one I am still stuck on below), or led me to come up with a solution which worked. Thanks also to dragonsjaw. For the benefit of others who might stumble upon this thread, I shall explain if these solutions worked and, if not, what I had to do to get the results I desired.

    1)”In green.css, try changing…”

    Yep, this changed the colour of the the pages bar just as I wanted. I then did the same thing to ‘sidebar’ within green.css.

    Note also that I couldn’t find green.css for a while and figured it didn’t exist. I then looked into the theme via File Manager and found the file and from there it was easy.

    2) Try changing the name of the Blogroll category in Admin/Links/Link Categories.

    Yep. Worked a treat. I really should have been able to figure that out myself *embarrassment*.

    3) Try adding:…

    This did not work. Instead, I changed the line at the top of green.css

    a {
    color: #393;

    a {
    color: #006D00;

    Worked a treat.

    4) Go through your theme’s template files and try changing every reference to:…

    Excellent. Did exactly what I wanted.

    5) Try placing the sponsor’s site url in the link around the image within sidebar.php

    Nah, this didn’t work. Instead I went to sponsors.php and edited it there. Of course, I only thought of this because of your suggested solution, so you can still take credit for it.


    The only solution which did not work and which I could not work out for myself was (6), where my pages continue to align themselves alphabetically rather than in the order I prescribe to them. I tried dragonsjaw’s tip of numbering my first page (after home) 5, then the next 10, the next 15, but still they align alphabetically.

    If somebody could somehow explain how to fix this to me, I would be very grateful indeed.

    Thanks again to esmi for all of your help and also to dragonsjaw for the tip. Very much appreciated.

    Try editing header.php and look for <?php wp_list_pages();?>. It will have some parameters inside the brackets. This is what controls your page listing on the menu. Try adding &sort_column=menu_order to the list of parameters – making sure that you stay inside the quite marks. That should allow the custom page ordering that dragonsjaw suggested to take effect.

    Thread Starter johnnysomebody


    I found:

    <!-- BEGIN navigation -->
    		<ul id="navigation">
    			<li><a href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>/">Home</a></li>
    			<?php dp_list_pages(); ?>

    To where exactly do I add the text?

    Thanks again.

    Looks like your theme uses a customised page listing. Have a look at functions.php for the dp_list_pages() function.

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