How do I display the taxonomy term alongside the post type post title?
I would like to display the taxonomy term of the post type post besides the post type post title, separated by the “in” text string.
There are two issues:
1. only “array” is displayed instead of the term
2. I don’t know how to code the “in” text string correctly, between the term and the title (they should be in the same row)Here is the (wrong) code in question:
$output .= '<div>' . get_the_title() . '</div>'; in $output .= '<div>' . wp_get_post_terms( $post_id, $taxonomy = 'itemscategories') . '</div>';
Embedded in this shortcode:
function myprefix_custom_grid_shortcode( $atts ) { // Parse your shortcode settings with it's defaults $atts = shortcode_atts( array( 'posts_per_page' => '-1', 'term' => '' ), $atts, 'myprefix_custom_grid' ); $user_id = userpro_get_view_user( get_query_var('up_username') ); // Extract shortcode atributes extract( $atts ); // Define output var $output = ''; // Define query $query_args = array( 'author'=> $user_id, 'post_type' => 'items', // Change this to the type of post you want to show 'posts_per_page' => $posts_per_page, ); // Query by term if defined if ( $term ) { $query_args['tax_query'] = array( array( 'taxonomy' => 'category', 'field' => 'ID', 'terms' => $term, ), ); } // Query posts $custom_query = new WP_Query( $query_args ); // Add content if we found posts via our query if ( $custom_query->have_posts() ) { // Open div wrapper around loop $output .= '<div>'; // Loop through posts while ( $custom_query->have_posts() ) { // Sets up post data so you can use functions like get_the_title(), get_permalink(), etc $custom_query->the_post(); // This is the output for your entry so what you want to do for each post. $output .= '<div>' . get_the_title() . '</div>'; in $output .= '<div>' . wp_get_post_terms( $post_id, $taxonomy = 'itemscategories') . '</div>'; } // Close div wrapper around loop $output .= '</div>'; // Restore data wp_reset_postdata(); } // Return your shortcode output return $output; } add_shortcode( 'myprefix_custom_grid', 'myprefix_custom_grid_shortcode' );
Sorry for my being so dense. I’m looking for something very specific and simple for success. Explanations beyond that are not really helpful, though I appreciate the effort. The problem is I don’t know how to ask for that information and you can’t read my mind to know what I’m looking for.
I understand you want to get post titles whose ‘gravity_embed_id’ meta value equals an ID. Where should code learn what this ID value is? Is it the ID of the current “items” post? We’ve been over that ground already, though I used the wrong post type at the time. Didn’t you try the same with “post” instead of “itemscategories”? Or did you only try “items”? Here’s another stab at this all the same. I’m not too hopeful, but it’s worth a try.
function sc_get_related( $item_id ) { $list = ''; $things = get_posts([ 'post_type' => 'post', 'meta_key' => 'gravity_embed_id', 'meta_value_num' => $post_id, ]); if ( 0 != count( $things )) { // avoids throwing PHP warnings if no items found foreach ( $things as $thing ) { $list .= $thing->post_title . ' '; } } return $list; }
At the risk of confusing things further, you mentioned child posts. These are not traditional children are they? (like there are for pages) Post post types are not hierarchical, they cannot have traditional children. Is the parent child relationship managed through post meta data somehow? Is this something that can be used to reach our goal? Or is that what the ‘gravity_embed_id’ is supposed to be doing for us?
still white space is the output.
In the first row of the function code, should it really be “$item_id”, or it should be $post_id or rather $thing_id? I have changed it to all 3 versions, still white space is the output.
We got rid of “items” because of the post type with the same name, so shouldn’t that be really $thing_id instead?
In this row:
'post_type' => 'items',
i corrected back to items from post, because with items it will output something at least: the items post titles, so it will be the same as the first post title that si alsready displayed (duplicate).
I changed the meta key to hidden_embed_id_field_name.
But I think now I know what’s the issue, in your code
'post_type' => 'items',
—- is getting the posts in items post type – correct'meta_key' => 'hidden_embed_id_field_name',
—– with the field name (or meta key) hidden_embed_id_field_name – that is correct, all posts in that post type that were submitted via the form, have that field name assigned to them.'meta_value_num' => $post_id,
– the error is here, because this statement is declaring the numerical value as post type ID-s belonging to the post type “items” (I changed the code from post to items).And that is wrong.
Because that numerical value is the ID of a post from the “post” post type, and that is how it should be associated.But the first row
'post_type' => 'items',
is correct.
Because the numerical value is obtained by inspecting the meta data of that post type.
Only that the value obtained need to be associated with the “post” post type and not with the “item” post type.You told me that $post_id gets the ID of the current post type from the loop, is that right?
But that ID should be associated with the “post” post type, and those titles need to be fetched (with link).So in that line $post_id must refer to the “post” post type.
How do you correct that?
How do you refer to a post id of a post type that is outside of the loop?Can you correct this to fit my needs?
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
berry metal.
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
berry metal.
function sc_get_related( $item_id ) {
must be coordinated with'meta_value_num' => $item_id,
. Which variable you choose to use doesn’t matter as long as they coordinate. Sorry for failing to do that, I hadn’t noticed one had changed but not the other when copying code. You can pass to the function any value you want (as long as it will work within the function ?? ). The template code is passing the current post ID right now.To get an ID of a post outside of the loop you must query for it by whatever criteria is available. Post slug, meta value, taxonomy term, what ever will uniquely distinguish the post. If the post titles we seek are not somehow related to the current items post, I don’t think there’s a viable solution to what you want to do.
This is the current function code:
function sc_get_related( $post_id ) { $list = ''; $things = get_posts([ 'post_type' => 'items', 'meta_key' => 'emb_new', 'meta_value_num' => $post_id, ]); if ( 0 != count( $things )) { // avoids throwing PHP warnings if no items found foreach ( $things as $thing ) { $list .= $thing->post_title . ' '; } } return $list; }
need to be specified more exactly: it has to be the post ID of the post type “post”.Is this not possible?
The current code returns the post title of only the last post, from the post type “items”.
I am not sure what the loop is to be honest.
But I posted the shortcode code, so you can see the context of the code in there.So I don’t know if
in the code is outside or inside the loop.If it’s outside, and you mean that it needs to be queried
(so if you can’t just declare it instead of querying and tell WordPress: this number is the id of a post from post type: post, give me its linked title! – are you sure this is not possible?)
then we could use the query from the grid query filter that fetches the “item” posts into the “post” posts:function items_query_args($query_args, $grid_name ) { if ($grid_name == 'items_grid') { $query_args['tax_query'] = array( array( 'taxonomy' => 'itemscategories', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => get_post_field( 'post_name' ), ), ); $query_args['post_type'] = 'items'; } return $query_args; } add_filter('tg_wp_query_args', 'items_query_args', 10, 2);
So the query only fetches those posts from the post type “items”, whose “itemscategories” custom taxonomy term slug is identical with the current posts title (post type:post) , where the post are being fetched.
So you asked me for extra criterias for the ID other than the post type it belongs to (post):
– the title slug of the title we are looking after to display it, is idenical with the “itemscategories” taxonomy term slug of the post belonging to the “items” post type, whose title we already displayed successfully with the other handler code:
$output .= '<div class="sc-post">' . esc_html( get_the_title());
.Please tell me if the
we use is outside of the loop or not?
And how do I modify the code so that it will be ensured that the$post_id
the code uses is of the post type “post”?
If necessary by using the extra criterias you asked and I specified, that we can take from the grid query…Thanks!
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
berry metal.
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
berry metal.
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
berry metal.
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
berry metal.
prior to oursc_get_related()
call is working correctly, and it’s within thewhile ( $custom_query->have_posts() ) { }
curly brace block for “items” posts in the shortcode query, then we’re “in the loop” (awhile
loop specifically). The only post ID readily available in the loop is that of the current post, an “items” post. Any other post would need to be queried. We can only use data that’s established within the shortcode handler. Anything outside of it, such as the grid query data, is said to be “out of scope”.There is a way to make outside data within scope by declaring a variable “global”. This has to be done both at the outside source and locally within our function. Use of globals should be strictly limited to only where absolutely necessary. And if the outside source is not code we’ve written ourselves it’s not really a viable option.
Maybe I’m missing something, but getting posts related to an “itemscategories” taxonomy also appears to be out of scope. The only taxonomy term known within the shortcode scope is the category term passed to the handler by the shortcode call. It’s the same term for all items, so getting any other posts based on this term will yield the same result for every item. There would be no reason to list the same results after every item, would there?
Which brings us back to the fundamental question. In what way is the post titles we want related to the current “items” post? Surely there must be a relationship somehow or what would be the point of listing post titles after each “items” post?
If get_the_title() prior to our sc_get_related() call is working correctly
yes it does, the titles of theitems
post type are successfully displayed within the shortcode with this handler:
$output .= '<div class="sc-post">' . esc_html( get_the_title());
and it’s within the while ( $custom_query->have_posts() ) { } curly brace block for “items” posts in the shortcode query
Yes it is within the “while” block.
And now that you pointed it out, I acknowledged that “items” is defined for the “while”.
So yes, then we are in the loop, and that’s why $post_id cannot get a “post” post type id, because of the “items” in the “while” block. And I cannot change that to post, because then only white space is returned.So we should try defining the “global” variable, as you said, to get the $post_id from outside the loop.
What I don’t understand, why is the current code returning only the most recent “items” post type post title as title, if the numerical value of the meta key is not a real “items” post post ID. (Because it’s a “post” post ID.)
So if there is no real match, why doesn’t the code returns white space instead?I tested the meta key, and it works, it is correctly mapped to the “items” posts created from the form entry: if I replace the meta key with a non-existent meta key name, white space is returned. If I set the correct meta key, then only the most recent “items” post titles are returned, here is the screenshot:
(in the first row the titles are the same, in the screenshot)
(sometimes the image doesn’t load, just reload)
This is what you mean by the shortcode handler?
$output .= '<div class="sc-post">' . esc_html( get_the_title()); $output .= ' <span class="sc-related">In: ' . esc_html( sc_get_related( get_the_ID())) . '</span></div>';
This has to be done both at the outside source and locally within our function.
What do you mean by “outside source”?
Outside the shortcode code or outside the function?
Outside the shortcode would it mean to define it in my functions.php?Maybe I’m missing something, but getting posts related to an “itemscategories” taxonomy also appears to be out of scope.
True that, the “itemscategories” taxonomy name is not even present in any of the code we are working with, so if we don’t want to use it as a criteria for querying the posts whose titles we are after, then we don’t need it.
The only useable criteria could be that the slugs of the “post” post titles we are looking after are identical with the “itemscategories” taxonomy term slugs of the “items” posts that are fetched in said current “post” post.
If they are not identical, then they would be never fetched due to the grid query parameters, and if they would be never fetched, then the correct meta key value would never be assigned to them, because the value is the ID of the “post” post where the “items” post is fetched, so if the post is not fetched, that value would be missing in the meta key.
So this means that if the slugs are not identical, then there is no way to get the title, because the title is dependent on the meta key value.
But it’s ensured by me, manually, that the slugs are identical.
But if you can define the global variable so that $post_id would refer to the “post” post type ID, then maybe we wouldn’t need this data, the “itemscategories” term slug, to query the “post” posts.But this would be one way i see, to query “post” posts that are related to the “item” posts fetched in them. By the slugs matching used also in the grid query.
But the only thing that need to be queried is them to belong to the post type “post”, so true that the “items” posts taxonomy names and slugs are not necessary here.Can you define the global variable so that the only query parameter would be that they belong to the post type “post”?
So that the $post_id would refer to the “post” posts id?
Let’s try this then, I just need to know how to define that global variable in and out of the function, and to query only by the parameter of “post” post type.Thanks for your patience.
The shortcode handler is the
function.If the current items post has itemscategories terms assigned whose titles are identical to the posts we are after, why couldn’t we simply output the assigned term titles after the current items post? Sure, they are not posts, but the output looks the same either way, right?
The post ID we want for the ‘gravity_embed_id’ meta value is for the post which contains the [myprefix_custom_grid] shortcode in its content, right? We should be able to get that with
within the shortcode handler as long as it is called before the items query is made. Add this as the very first line of the handler function:
$parent_post = get_the_ID();
and use the assigned variable like so:
$output .= ' <span class="sc-related">Related: ' . esc_html( sc_get_related( $parent_post )) . '</span></div>';
You may wonder why
is OK at the start but not wheresc_get_related()
is called. Internally, it uses a global variable itself. The variable is assigned the current post object that’s within the current loop. Before the items query is made, the current post is still the post which has the shortcode in its content. That changes once the items loop starts, soget_the_ID()
then reflects that loop instead of the loop we came from originally.If this $parent_post idea works, my question about itemscategories titles is moot.
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
bcworkz. Reason: code fixed
sorry for the confusing
myprefix custom grid
shortcode and function name, but the myprefix_custom_grid shortcode is not in a post, it’s in the profile pages.I think you thought that
myprefix custom grid
is the grid that fetches the items posts?No, that grid is called
as it stands in the grid filter.So the shortcode it’s in the profile pages (the yellow section in the screenshot, pointed with the blue arrows) and its original purpose was to display the items posts titles contributed by the current user.
Then I started its modification, to also display the corresponding posts title, where these items posts are fetched.
So given that the shortcode is in the profile pages, is this instruction still valid?
We should be able to get that with get_the_ID() within the shortcode handler as long as it is called before the items query is made. Add this as the very first line of the handler function:
$parent_post = get_the_ID();
and use the assigned variable like so:
$output .= ‘ <span class=”sc-related”>Related: ‘ . esc_html( sc_get_related( $parent_post )) . ‘</span></div>’;If the current items post has itemscategories terms assigned whose titles are identical to the posts we are after, why couldn’t we simply output the assigned term titles after the current items post?
I was thinking about this and I already have the code to display the terms titles – but I need linked titles. So to link term titles to corresponding different post type titles I tought it would be even more difficult than to get the linked post titles. what do you think?
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
berry metal.
[myprefix_custom_grid term=”????”] fetches “items” post types in category ????. It’s in your OP code, that much is clear. Which post content is the shortcode used in? It doesn’t matter what page was requested, what is germane is what post is currently being output that has the shortcode in it. And is that post the one whose ID matches the ID in the items ’emb_new’ meta data that we want to list?
If so, the suggested
$parent_post = get_the_ID();
changes should work. If not, then that line should go in the loop of where ever it is the right post. Additionally,global $parent_post;
is needed both before that loop starts as well as at the beginning ofmyprefix_custom_grid_shortcode()
function doesn’t currently output links, only to titles. That can be modified, so of course the posts would then be needed and not just matching term titles. It looked like a possible shortcut, but it’s not to be.[myprefix_custom_grid term=”????”] fetches “items” post types in category ????
The format of the shortcode is not like this: [myprefix_custom_grid term=”????”].
It’s just like this: [myprefix_custom_grid]The shortcode does not fetch post types, only post type titles.
It fetches the “items” post types titles currently, and we want to get it to fetch the corresponding “post” post type titles as well, alongside.And the “items” titles belong to posts that only have the “itemscategories” taxonomy, so they don’t have categories.
It’s in your OP code, that much is clear.
What does OP code mean?Which post content is the shortcode used in?
The [myprefix_custom_grid] shortcode is not in post content. It’s in the user profile template. So it’s in a page. In the user profile pages.
It doesn’t matter what page was requested, what is germane is what post is currently being output that has the shortcode in it.
The profile pages have the shortcode.
And is that post the one whose ID matches the ID in the items ’emb_new’ meta data that we want to list?
No. The vlaue of the meta key is obtained by the form software, and it’s the ID of the “post” post type post (Gravity forms calls them “embed ID” ), where the “items” posts are fetched.(And in which posts are they fetched, that is decided by the query of the grid that fetches the posts.)
So the page where the shortcode is, that is not a post, that’s the profile page, and the ID of that page is not relevant.So your statement
If so, the suggested $parent_post = get_the_ID(); changes should work. If not, then that line should go in the loop of where ever it is the right post. Additionally, global $parent_post; is needed both before that loop starts as well as at the beginning of myprefix_custom_grid_shortcode()
is not valid in this case, I guess?
The sc_get_related() function doesn’t currently output links, only to titles. That can be modified, so of course the posts would then be needed and not just matching term titles. It looked like a possible shortcut, but it’s not to be.
Yes, I would need the linked “post” titles.
Do you know now exactly what is the setup?
Just ask if not, and I’ll explain.I can even give access to my staging backend and to its FTP account and send you the link to the profile page, and then you can see the setup for yourself. If you want to take a look, just please give any contact information for sending the login information, and then you can see the issue for yourself.
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
berry metal.
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
berry metal.
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
berry metal.
Please don’t offer to send or post logon credentials on these forums:
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
Steven Stern (sterndata).
The issue is that the field and the value is not mapped to the “items” posts correctly.
If it would be mapped, then i could see the field in the edit page of the “items” posts.I am not sure that Gravity Forms can map fields and values to post types.
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
berry metal.
Since your assumptions about my setup were not true, i followed your advice for the case it was not true:
If not, then that line should go in the loop of where ever it is the right post. Additionally, global $parent_post; is needed both before that loop starts as well as at the beginning of myprefix_custom_grid_shortcode()
Do I need to change anything in this line?
'meta_value_num' => $post_id
the $post_id need to be changed?
I left it unchanged.So this is my code now, following your instructions, I inserted the
$parent_post = get_the_ID();
andglobal $parent_post;
to the places you described:The function:
function sc_get_related( $post_id ) { $parent_post = get_the_ID(); $list = ''; $things = get_posts([ 'post_type' => 'items', 'meta_key' => 'dddemb', 'meta_value_num' => $post_id, ]); if ( 0 != count( $things )) { // avoids throwing PHP warnings if no items found foreach ( $things as $thing ) { $list .= $thing->post_title . ' '; } } return $list; }
(I am constantly changing the meta key name due to new meta keys that I create for testing.)
And the shortcode code:
function myprefix_custom_grid_shortcode( $atts, $post_id ) { global $parent_post; // Parse your shortcode settings with it's defaults $atts = shortcode_atts( array( 'posts_per_page' => '-1', 'term' => '' ), $atts, 'myprefix_custom_grid' ); $user_id = userpro_get_view_user( get_query_var('up_username') ); // Extract shortcode atributes extract( $atts ); // Define output var $output = ''; // Define query $query_args = array( 'author'=> $user_id, 'post_type' => 'items', // Change this to the type of post you want to show 'posts_per_page' => $posts_per_page, ); // Query by term if defined if ( $term ) { $query_args['tax_query'] = array( array( 'taxonomy' => 'category', 'field' => 'ID', 'terms' => $term, ), ); } // Query posts $custom_query = new WP_Query( $query_args ); // Add content if we found posts via our query if ( $custom_query->have_posts() ) { // Open div wrapper around loop $output .= '<div>'; global $parent_post; // Loop through posts while ( $custom_query->have_posts() ) { $parent_post = get_the_ID(); // Sets up post data so you can use functions like get_the_title(), get_permalink(), etc $custom_query->the_post(); // This is the output for your entry so what you want to do for each post. // This is the output for your entry so what you want to do for each post. $output .= '<div class="sc-post">' . esc_html( get_the_title()); $output .= ' <span class="sc-related">Related: ' . esc_html( sc_get_related( $parent_post )) . '</span></div>'; } // Close div wrapper around loop $output .= '</div>'; // Restore data wp_reset_postdata(); } // Return your shortcode output return $output; } add_shortcode( 'myprefix_custom_grid', 'myprefix_custom_grid_shortcode' );
But still only the latest posted posts title of the “items” post type is displayed besides every “post” post, just like previously.
So the ID is interpreteis still as of that of “items” post type, and it should be “post” post type.
I might have been inserted the strings you said in the wrong places…..
Thank you!
Regarding if the meta key and value is mapped or not to the created “items” posts, I am not sure… I don’t know how to check that.
I mapped it according to Gravity Forms instructions.
Can you give me a code for checking which are all the fields and values mapped to a certain post from post type “items”?-
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
berry metal.
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
berry metal.
“OP” = “original post”, forum jargon, but sometimes means “original poster” in other contexts. Sorry for my use of jargon.
The shortcode is set up to qualify queries by category terms. If you’re not using that feature, that’s OK.
Usage of $post_id is fine in
. What will matter is what value is passed to the function in the shortcode handler.If you’ve placed the shortcode on a template and it’s not in a posts loop, doing the $parent_post bit in the shortcode handler will not work. You may as well remove the added code. If the shortcode relates directly to the user profile, how are we supposed to know which post ID we should look for as a meta value that’s related to each “items” title being output?
Whatever meta keys and values are assigned to any particular item or post should be seen on that object’s edit screen.
If the shortcode relates directly to the user profile, how are we supposed to know which post ID we should look for as a meta value that’s related to each “items” title being output?
The connection is made by Gravity Forms.
And there is an other important thing here:
the form is in the “post” post template, and the “item” posts are also fetched within “post” posts. So everything is on the same “page”.Here is how it works:
Someone accesses a “post” post.
In that post there are already “items” posts fetched, added by me, the admin, but not by the form, but by the backend. I give them matching slugs with the “post” post, to put them in the correct post, by the grid query.
The post viewer is a guest, and he will notice the form in the post that is for guest post creation. (That is “items” guest posts will be fetched within “post” posts.)In that form I embedded a hidden custom field, let’s name it “hiddenformfield” with a value that is set to be automatically populated with the ID of the “post” post that contains the form. (The form is in the “post” post template.)Upon submission, when I view the entries, that ID that gravity forms call “embed ID” (the ID of the post where the form was embed at the moment of submission – it’s embed in every post since it’s in the template) is properly set as the value of the hidden custom field, and stored in the form entry.
But I am automatically creating posts from these entries, with a Gravity Forms “feed”.
In this form creation feed I specify the post fields to be created, among them also a field, let’s call it “IDpostfield” and I map the value of “hiddenformfield” to it.Like this I transfered the ID value from the entry to the post, from one field to the other.
So this is how the relation is done between the 2 post types.
Since the form entries are not post types, I don’t know how to refer to them in our function and shortcode.
Because we could take the “hiddenformfield” value as well, that is properly populated for sure, because I can see the correct values in the entries (the correct ID of the “post” post from where the form was submitted).The form fields menu in Gravity forms (the form fields are basically equivalent with the created form entry fields) also gives a possibility to assign a parameter name to the value of “hiddenformfield”.
But I am not sure what is the correct way to use that parameter in the code.
And if Gravity Forms would be uninstalled, and if the relationship in the function and shortcode would have been made between the form entries and the “items” posts, then the relation would be gone.That’s why I try to correctly map the entry value to the created post (this is an official Gravity Forms functionality, but i am not 100% sure that works for custom post types too, however if the backend menu allows the operation, then it must be possible.
Since the “items” post upon approval will be embed in the same post from where the form was submitted, it’s okay to map the form entry’s hidden field to the post field, since it will have the same value, the same ID.
I tought maybe until I figure how to map the value correctly to the post, you could maybe figure the code for the “post” post title.
I am trying to set different field types, but “number” seem to be the only viable option, since the obtained “embed ID” is a number.
Does WordPress or php have any other way to detect the ID of the “post” post where a certain “items” post is fetched, so that we could make new, additional, other type of connection between the 2?
The shortcode is set up to qualify queries by category terms. If you’re not using that feature, that’s OK.
I think I am not using that feature, but what do you mean by qualify?
Would you please paste the code section that does that?Thank you!
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
berry metal.
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
berry metal.
This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by
- The topic ‘How do I display the taxonomy term alongside the post type post title?’ is closed to new replies.