• transbetty



    how do I delete the listing of my former test blog I was running on my domain from Global Dashboard? The blog I want to remove from my Global Dashboard is : site.com/a

    I want to keep only the main one: site.com , I deleted already the files from my server (from /a directory)

    Thanks for the help,

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  • well, I’m sure you’re going to interpret it that way – but if the problem is removing your site from the wordpress.com global dashboard, so that change can be reflected in the stats plugin, then I’m afraid your issue isn’t with the plugin – it’s with wordpress.com

    this information that you’re trying to remove is stored over there, right?

    what’s so difficult about asking over there? Clearly you’ve got an account, you need one to get an API key, so just ask them about how to remove whatever you need to remove.

    I’ve dropped a line to Support at WordPress.com to see if there is anything they can do. Has anyone else gotten this issue resolved (whether here or at wordpress.com)?

    Thank you,

    UPDATE: Actually, dropping a line to Support IS the solution. I think they’re the only ones who can delete a WordPress ORG site off the WordPrses COM global dashboard. (At least at this time.) But they are very nice and speedy about it!


    i think i have a solution without contact with support,
    correct me if i am wrong.

    i installed the “wordpress.com stats” plugin on a wordpress blog i host myself (besides wordpress.com), after entering my API key from wordpress.com.
    i got the option to ‘Add new blog to my account’ and ‘Replace an existing blog’.
    see screenshot

    to prevent ‘<b>this info is passed somehow to Google</b>’;
    on wordpress.com/profile/?edit=true on the bottom of the page you can change options of your “Profile Layout”, with on the right select from “My Blogs” if they are visible.

    Rud5G: thank you for showing the way ??

    I had the same problem, except I actually moved my blog from domain.com/blog form to domain.com. That would cause my stats were still working, but all the links, from the global dashboard pointing to my blog were broken.

    I’ve deleted the “stats_options” option from the wp_options table. And I had reenterd my API key, and replace the URI just like you explained.

    kristanlh, how were you able to contact WordPress.com support? I tried filling out the support form, but it requires a blog url which must be a wordpress.com blog.
    I do not have a wordpress.com blog.

    Any news regarding the problem from transbetty? I have the same problem! My test blog is still listet there and I want it to disappear. I can chose my “main blog” from a list but there is still the other one.



    have the same problem. Somehow I have two exactly same self-hosted blogs registered in my global dashboard, one of them has empty stats, the other one the correct ones. There is a link to ad more blogs, but nowhere a link to remove them – ??? Apart of that, if I try to contact the wordpress.com support, all I get is an advice, that I have a selfhosted blog and should go to wp.org and stop hassling wp.com… ??? again
    Now tell me, how on earth I can remove the second same blog with the empty statistics from my Global dashboard at wp.com??? thanks

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