• I’m trying to create a child theme from my dashboard. Apparently, this is supposed to be fairly simple, but I can’t figure it out.

    As far as I can tell, I’m supposed to create a new folder inside of wp-content/themes.

    But I cannot find wp-content/themes! The only thing I can find labeled ‘themes’ is under Appearance. If I go to Editor, I can see some html there, but I’m pretty sure that is what I’m not supposed to mess with, right?

    So I need to figure out how to make a new folder inside of content-themes. Again, I can’t even find where content-themes is. I can’t find ‘content’.

    Can someone please help me? That would be so much appreciated. Thank you!


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  • Moderator cubecolour


    you need to create the files locally and upload by ftp

    Thread Starter Taylor Napolsky


    what does ftp mean? And also, how do I create files locally? I don’t know what that means? Is there a step-by-step guide besides this one:


    Because that one doesn’t explain it, it just says this:

    “A child theme resides in its own directory in wp-content/themes.”

    The closest I have been able to come to finding this is going to Editor under ‘Appearance.’ There is a list of templates off to the right, many of which say ‘content.’ But am I on the right track?


    By FTP, we mean you need to use FTP software to log into your web server and upload theme files. I found a decent new user guide to FTP here.

    You can’t create a new child theme through the WordPress Dashboard, which is what it sounds like you’re trying to do. ??

    Thread Starter Taylor Napolsky


    oh yeah, that’s what I’m trying to do. Okay I will look at that guide. thanks!


    To make things clearer I will explain.

    FTP = File Transfer Protocol and is used to upload files from your PC to the Website server (hosting server)

    Installing a Theme
    Themes are installed into the “wp-content/themes” folder.
    If you look at your installation of WordPress, you can see these themes in their respective folders.
    e.g. Twentyten, Twentyeleven etc.
    When you install a new theme, it will be placed in the “themes” folder in its own folder. So if you install a theme called “MyTheme”, it will be located in “wp-content/themes/MyTheme”

    Hope this helps a bit

    Thread Starter Taylor Napolsky


    It seems I need FTP software. My question is, what FTP software should I go with? That site you linked me to says,

    “For those who need a robust FTP server, I would recommend our own product, WS_FTP Server. WS_FTP Server runs on Windows NT/2000 and is a popular choice for schools, ISPs or any business organization that needs to share files with an unlimited number of users. You can download a free 30-day evaluation of WS_FTP Server from the Ipswitch Website.”

    Do I need to get something like this? Is there free FTP software that people generally use?

    I have never heard of FTP software. I had no idea this was required to make a website on WordPress. If anyone can point me toward the standard, most reliable FTP that people use, that would be great. Preferably I would like something that is free, but since I know nothing about FTP, maybe that isn’t in the cards. Maybe it’s expensive, I don’t know.

    Thanks for the help everyone!

    Thread Starter Taylor Napolsky


    I think my big issue is I cannot find the folder titled wp-content. I have searched my computer and can’t find it. My host is godaddy. Does that mean the folder would be located at the godaddy site?

    thank you!


    Taylor, what you could also do is develop the theme locally, zip the files, and then use the install themes option found under appearance themes.

    Does that mean the folder would be located at the godaddy site?

    Yes the wp-content folder will be on the Godaddy server.

    Watch this video, it should help

    Moderator cubecolour


    filezilla is probably the most popular free FTP client software & there are versions for windows, mac & linux https://filezilla-project.org/download.php

    WordPress is not desktop software so you won’t have the wp-content folder on your local machine – it is on the web server

    You’ll probably have a better understanding of child themes if you follow this tutorial for beginners by demetris https://op111.net/53/

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