Andrew, maybe you should give an example. Because not everybody understand PHP that well:
$args = array(
'container' => 'div', // container element
'separator' => '▸', // separator between items
'before' => '', // HTML to output before
'after' => '', // HTML to output after
'show_on_front' => true, // whether to show on front
'network' => false, // whether to create trail back to main site (multisite)
'show_title' => true, // whether to show the current page title
'show_browse' => false, // whether to show the "browse" text
'echo' => true, // whether to echo or return the breadcrumbs
/* Labels for text used (see Breadcrumb_Trail::default_labels). */
'labels' => array(
'browse' => __( 'Browse:', 'breadcrumb-trail' ),
'home' => __( 'Home', 'breadcrumb-trail' ),
'search' => __( 'Zoekresultaten voor "%s"','breadcrumb-trail' ),
'error_404' => __( '404 Pagina niet gevonden','breadcrumb-trail' ),
'paged' => __( 'Pagina %d', 'breadcrumb-trail' ),
'archives' => __( 'Archief', 'breadcrumb-trail' ),
'archive_minute_hour' => __( 'g:i a', 'breadcrumb-trail' ),
'archive_minute' => __( 'Minuut %d', 'breadcrumb-trail' ),
'archive_hour' => __( 'g a', 'breadcrumb-trail' ),
'archive_day' => __( 'd', 'breadcrumb-trail' ),
'archive_week' => __( 'Week %d', 'breadcrumb-trail' ),
'archive_month' => __( 'F', 'breadcrumb-trail' ),
'archive_year' => __( 'Y', 'breadcrumb-trail' ),
if ( function_exists( 'breadcrumb_trail' ) ) breadcrumb_trail($args);