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  • I too having the same problem plz help us some one.

    Look at the file in the plugin directory, as stated in the installation instructions. Lots of options available.

    Andrew, maybe you should give an example. Because not everybody understand PHP that well:


    	$args = array(
    		'container'       => 'div',   // container element
    		'separator'       => '▸', // separator between items
    		'before'          => '',      // HTML to output before
    		'after'           => '',      // HTML to output after
    		'show_on_front'   => true,    // whether to show on front
    		'network'         => false,   // whether to create trail back to main site (multisite)
    		'show_title'      => true,    // whether to show the current page title
    		'show_browse'     => false,    // whether to show the "browse" text
    		'echo'            => true,    // whether to echo or return the breadcrumbs
    		/* Labels for text used (see Breadcrumb_Trail::default_labels). */
    		'labels' => array(
    			'browse'              => __( 'Browse:',					'breadcrumb-trail' ),
    			'home'                => __( 'Home',                    'breadcrumb-trail' ),
    			'search'              => __( 'Zoekresultaten voor "%s"','breadcrumb-trail' ),
    			'error_404'           => __( '404 Pagina niet gevonden','breadcrumb-trail' ),
    			'paged'               => __( 'Pagina %d',               'breadcrumb-trail' ),
    			'archives'            => __( 'Archief',                 'breadcrumb-trail' ),
    			'archive_minute_hour' => __( 'g:i a',                   'breadcrumb-trail' ),
    			'archive_minute'      => __( 'Minuut %d',               'breadcrumb-trail' ),
    			'archive_hour'        => __( 'g a',                     'breadcrumb-trail' ),
    			'archive_day'         => __( 'd',                       'breadcrumb-trail' ),
    			'archive_week'        => __( 'Week %d',                 'breadcrumb-trail' ),
    			'archive_month'       => __( 'F',                       'breadcrumb-trail' ),
    			'archive_year'        => __( 'Y',                       'breadcrumb-trail' ),
    	if ( function_exists( 'breadcrumb_trail' ) ) breadcrumb_trail($args);

    agreed on the above, I’m not sure how I change those defaults other than changing the core file which obviously we don’t want to be doing

    I want to display breadcrumbs like home/classes/boot or Home/Team/hanah
    on my website how can i do this.i don’t know php well if someone can help me with the code thans

    New version of breadcrumb needed other labels:

    	$args = array(
    		'container'       => 'div',   // container element
    		'separator'       => '▸', // separator between items
    		'before'          => '',      // HTML to output before
    		'after'           => '',      // HTML to output after
    		'show_on_front'   => true,    // whether to show on front
    		'network'         => false,   // whether to create trail back to main site (multisite)
    		'show_title'      => true,    // whether to show the current page title
    		'show_browse'     => false,    // whether to show the "browse" text
    		'echo'            => true,    // whether to echo or return the breadcrumbs
    		/* Labels for text used (see Breadcrumb_Trail::default_labels). */
    		'labels' => array(
    			'browse'              => __( 'Browse:',                              'breadcrumb-trail' ),
    			'home'                => __( 'Home',                                 'breadcrumb-trail' ),
    			'error_404'           => __( '404 Pagina is niet gevonden',          'breadcrumb-trail' ),
    			'archives'            => __( 'Archief',                              'breadcrumb-trail' ),
    			/* Translators: %s is the search query. The HTML entities are opening and closing curly quotes. */
    			'search'              => __( 'Zoekresultaten voor “%s”', 'breadcrumb-trail' ),
    			/* Translators: %s is the page number. */
    			'paged'               => __( 'Pagina %s',                            'breadcrumb-trail' ),
    			/* Translators: Minute archive title. %s is the minute time format. */
    			'archive_minute'      => __( 'Minuten %s',                           'breadcrumb-trail' ),
    			/* Translators: Weekly archive title. %s is the week date format. */
    			'archive_week'        => __( 'Week %s',                              'breadcrumb-trail' ),
    			/* "%s" is replaced with the translated date/time format. */
    			'archive_minute_hour' => '%s',
    			'archive_hour'        => '%s',
    			'archive_day'         => '%s',
    			'archive_month'       => '%s',
    			'archive_year'        => '%s',
    	if ( function_exists( 'breadcrumb_trail' ) ) breadcrumb_trail($args);

    Plugin is too complex to use.

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