• AlbinoMonkey


    I have my site set up https://cjsukimport.com/?page_id=24 and I need to change the PHP file so that the filters are in a different order than they are now. Does anyone know how to do this?

    The current PHP code is:

    <p class="portfolio-filters" id="portfolio-filter">
    					<a class="button" href="#all">All</a>
    					<!-- Grab just the category slugs and list them using our markup -->
    					if(get_post_custom_values('category_filter')) :     // If the category filter exists on this page...
    					$cats = get_post_custom_values('category_filter'); 	// Returns an array of cat-slugs from the custom field.
    					foreach ( $cats as $cat ) {
    						$catsluglink = '<a class="button" href="#'.$cat.'">'.$cat.'</a> ';  // Create a link using our markup now
    						$acats[] = $catsluglink; 								// Turn the list of ID's into an ARRAY, $acats[]
    					$cat_string = join(' ', $acats);					// Join the ARRAY into a space-separated STRING
    					echo $cat_string;
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