Hi there,
Is nannyairblog.wordpress.com the site you’re referring to?
The background images for each of the sections on the front page are set a little differently to the background image for the rest of the pages on your site.
To set background images for the front page, first navigate to the Theme panel in the WordPress.com Customizer.
“Title” refers to the very top section of the front page. Upload an image under that panel of the Customizer in order to change the default background at the very top.
You can find a walk through of the other sections on the front page, as well as how to set them up here:
Hope that helps out. ??
For future reference: These forums are intended for folk who are hosting their sites through a different company to WordPress.com using the free software that’s available here at www.remarpro.com.
As nannyairblog.wordpress.com is hosted with WordPress.com, we’ll be in a better position to help you over on the WordPress.com theme forum here:
If you’re unsure about the differences between the two types of WordPress (WordPress.com and www.remarpro.com) then the following guide gives a good overview:
I’ll be happy to help answer any questions, too.