• berry metal


    I have a grid in my post template, that uses a dynamic query to fetch new post types within the post, as they are posted.

    The problem with this directory post system (lists) is that when I post a new post type, and it’s getting fetched in a post by the grid, the post has been updated, but the “last updated” date will not change for the post, because the post has not been actually edited, only a new post type post got fetched within the grid.

    How do I auto-update the “last updated” date for the “post” posts?

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  • Thread Starter berry metal


    Now I learned the difference between add_action and do_action. I wonder why is the WP Codex using the “do_action” format?

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 12 months ago by berry metal.
    Thread Starter berry metal


    I tried to troubleshoot with

    add_action( 'save_post_items', function() {
        var_dump( $_POST );
    }, 99 ,2 );

    but it gives an error when I try to add a new “item” post:


    Thread Starter berry metal



    error_log( print_r( $post_data ) );

    gives the same error.

    Thread Starter berry metal


    Ah I found out, I thnk that the WP Codex assumes that the add_actions are not added in my theme, that’s why uses the do_action form in the save_post article…

    Thread Starter berry metal


    The weird thing is that after I ran these debug codes in my child theme’s functions.php, the error is permanent so far the action hook code is active, even if I remove the debug codes.

    Previously, the action hook code did not cause any error, until I ran the debug codes.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 12 months ago by berry metal.
    Thread Starter berry metal


    Does $_POST['relations'] implie that there is a custom field on the post edit field that is trying to check for?

    I wanted to try and first create the post and assign the term afterwards, because I have read that in that case, there will be no check for permissions. To see if taxonomy user permissions are blocking something.

    But now I cannot do this test anymore because of the permanent error so far the action hook is active. The error fires in the moment I try to add a new “item” post.

    I tried to add the post via wp-cli and the error message is the same with some additional wp-cli error messages:


    – and the post doesn’t get created.

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 12 months ago by berry metal.
    Thread Starter berry metal


    Sorry, the previous post (https://i.imgur.com/VHbtEPN.png) with no terms assigned DID get created in the previous test. So it got created despite the fatal error and the lack of the confirmation of the creation of the post.

    I tried to assign the term to it afterwards to check the permissions issue, in the WP dashboard, with the action hook disabled, and i got this error:


    And here is line 119 in my functions.php that the error refers to:


    I don’t remember what is this code doing and why is it in my functions.php.

    I created a published “items” post with the term assigned with a command that creates the post while assigning the term, while the action hook disabled, successfully, this is the verbose report:

    The command:

    wp post term set $(wp post create \
    	--post_title='post_time_update_test_2' \
    	--post_status='publish' \
    	--post_type='items' \
    	--debug \
    	--porcelain) relations "Art-house films"

    And the report:


    But when I tried to create it with the same command but with the action hook enabled, it failed:


    • This reply was modified 3 years, 12 months ago by berry metal.
    • This reply was modified 3 years, 12 months ago by berry metal.
    Thread Starter berry metal


    And this is line 1193 to which the error message refers to:


    Thread Starter berry metal


    This is line 294 in class-wp-hook.php (the other reference in the error message):


    Thread Starter berry metal


    Should I use $_POST['tax_input'] instead? But how?

    • This reply was modified 3 years, 12 months ago by berry metal.
    Moderator bcworkz


    You’re right, “save_post_items”. My bad — faulty memory. So sorry for any confusion I’ve caused. The do_action() call in docs isn’t an example of what you do, it’s verbatim source code of where do_action() is called so you can see what data can be passed to your callback. You need add_action() to do something special when do_action() is called in WP source code. If you can properly grasp how that all works, then you’ve gained a clear understanding of WP hooks, which is an important accomplishment!

    We’re using the items hook so we know when an items post is saved so we can glean its date for use in updating the post with the same taxonomy term. That is the goal isn’t it? You need the $update argument to know if it’s a new items post where the post date should be updated. If the post date were to be updated for any item save event, new or update, then the $update value wouldn’t matter.

    Isn’t ‘relations’ the taxonomy whose terms would be in common between items and posts? If not, use whatever key/taxonomy that is appropriate.

    If you try to update or save a post of the same type from these hooks, you create an infinite loop situation. If the hook is only for items and we update a post, all is well. If the hook is for a “foo” post type and we try to save another “foo” post there, the same hook re-fires and we run into the infinite loop situation.

    To fix the argument count error, when you add your callback to “save_post_items”, change the final 2 argument to 3, otherwise $update will not be passed.

    The non-object error is because your code is schizophrenic, working towards different ends. This line:

        // Get the post's ID
        $item_id = $_POST['relations'][1];

    should be

        // Get the item's assigned relations term ID
        $term_id = $_POST['relations'][1];

    I don’t know what $_POST['tax_input'] would be for. We want data from $_POST which helps us get the right post to update.

    Your code IS updating the last modified date, the original post date should remain as-is. Since you’re using current time for this, the items date and post modified date will not be exactly the same, they’ll be off by a fraction of a second. You could instead get the exact item date from the $item_object.

    Thread Starter berry metal



    after correcting the code and running it as its current form:

    function update_post_time($item_id, $item_object, $update) {
    if ( $update ) return;
        // quit if the item has no assigned relations term
    if ( ! array_key_exists('relations', $_POST ) || 2 > count( $_POST['relations'])) return;
        // Get the item's assigned relations term ID
        $term_id = $_POST['relations'][1];
        // Double check for post's ID, since this value is mandatory in wp_update_post()
        if ($item_id) {
            // Form an array of data to be updated
            $latest_cpt = get_posts([
                'posts_per_page'=> 1,
                   'terms'=> $item_id,
            // Get the current time
            $time = current_time('mysql');
            // Form an array of data to be updated
            $post_data = array(
                'ID'           => $latest_cpt[0]->ID, 
                'post_modified'   => $time,
                'post_modified_gmt' =>  get_gmt_from_date( $time )
            // Update the latest post with the same term
            wp_update_post( $post_data );

    there are no more error messages,

    and this is the report when creating the post with the term:


    Why isn’t there any reference to save_post and to the hook action in this report? With the –debug flag, that should also be logged in this report, isn’t it?

    The post did get created and the term assigned, but the date update does not work.

    So I re-added my specific debug code:

    add_action( 'save_post_items', function() {
        var_dump( $_POST );
    }, 99 ,3 );

    and when I click on “add new” button to add a new item to test, I get a white blank screen and the short error message: array(0) { }

    So there must be some more error in the code…

    Thread Starter berry metal


    And the wp-cli error format for the same issue (more verbose):
    Error: Could not find the post with ID 0.

    Thread Starter berry metal


    error_log( print_r( $post_data ) );
    will not log anything this time into the error_log file in my public_html folder.

    Moderator bcworkz


    If the items post is added with wp-cli, there wouldn’t be a POST request, hence no data in $_POST. Is that normally how the items post would be added?

    I don’t know much about wp-cli. You’d need advice from its devs on how to determine the assigned term. To get their attention, start a new topic in the WP forums and tag it “wp-cli”.

    I’ve a thought on a different approach that might work. Hook the term assignment process and check for a relations term connected to an items post. Update the related post post’s date to the current date from there. Use the action ‘set_object_terms’.

    Note the $tt_ids parameters are term taxonomy IDs. While these are often the same as term IDs, it’s not necessarily so. Consider them a separate object property. It’s actually WP_Term::term_taxonomy_id

    You can get the post post with tax_query field ‘term_taxonomy_id’ instead of ‘term_id’, so using a different kind of ID isn’t a hindrance.

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