How do I auto-update post date when new post type is fetched within the post?
I have a grid in my post template, that uses a dynamic query to fetch new post types within the post, as they are posted.
The problem with this directory post system (lists) is that when I post a new post type, and it’s getting fetched in a post by the grid, the post has been updated, but the “last updated” date will not change for the post, because the post has not been actually edited, only a new post type post got fetched within the grid.
How do I auto-update the “last updated” date for the “post” posts?
And is it necessary to loop through all “post” posts like this
$args = array( 'post_type' => 'post' ); $post_query = new WP_Query($args); if($post_query->have_posts() ) { while($post_query->have_posts() ) { $post_query->the_post();
to find the matching term?
It appears the relations term you selected has a term ID of 138. You can verify by going to the relations taxonomy list table add follow the edit link for the selected term. The URL has a “tag_ID” query var. The integer assigned to it is the term’s term_id value.
The values passed in the POST request will be in
. The relations term ID will be somewhere in the array in$_POST['relations']
In your example it’ll be under index[1]
, but it’s unclear if that’s always the case. I believe the first is always0
and irrelevant. Any additional terms selected will be subsequently listed. So I think if only one term is always selected, it’ll be as$item_id = $_POST['relations'][1];
.Your conditional check for post type items is fine, but the “save_items” action only fires for that post type, so it’s a redundant check.
You need to use the array form of args for
. The string format you use is actually obsolete, but still supported. Something like$latest_cpt = get_posts([ 'posts_per_page'=> 1, 'post_type'=>'post', 'tax_query'=>[[ 'taxonomy'=>'relations', 'field'=>'term_id', 'terms'=> $item_id, ],], ]);
You might rename $item_id to $relation_id or $term_id. I think $item_id is confusing.
This line does nothing and causes syntax error:
I’m not sure where you’re going with the rest, maybe drop it all except for
wp_update_post( $post_data );
.You have the post whose date you want to update in the $latest_cpt array. Get the time and update the post like so:
// Get the current time $time = current_time('mysql'); // Form an array of data to be updated $post_data = array( 'ID' => $latest_cpt[0]->ID, 'post_modified' => $time, 'post_modified_gmt' => get_gmt_from_date( $time ) ); // Update the latest post with the same term wp_update_post( $post_data );
Don’t expect everything to work on the first go, but you ought to be much closer to a solution.
and is this line correct?
function update_post_time($item_id, $item_object) {
I am not sure why the object need to be specified there.
This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by
berry metal.
This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by
berry metal.
That’s correct. It’s passed by the “save_items” action. It’s frequently useful data for those using such actions. You’re not required to use it if there’s no need.
It’s possible to tell the action hook to not pass it by dropping the
(1 is the default) in your add_action() call, then you’d only collect the item post ID. There’s little to gain by doing so. I always collect all available hook data, needed or not. It makes future maintenance of the function easier. Some future change may make the object data useful. It’s nice to know it’s available without having to look up the action’s docs. If the data is already there, there’s less code to change later if the need arises.I see. If an item post is an object by default in WordPress, why it need to be specified as $item_object, instead of just writing $item?
This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by
berry metal.
I am waiting answer / review of the code from other parties, and then I will test the code. Thanks!
When you collect data from an action hook, you can call it whatever you like (within PHP variable naming limits). Regardless of what it’s variable name is, the passed data is still a WP_Post object. It’s not unreasonable to include the data type in a variable name, it can be useful in future code maintenance. More useful in tightly typed languages. PHP being loosely typed, it’s less important.
Imagine yourself coming back to this code after 2 years unseen, needing to modify it to accommodate a new feature. What sort of names would be most meaningful then? Those are the names you’ll want to use.
Oh I see.
What happens if I forget to assign the term when I post the “items” post?
Can this be foolproofed in the code somehow, or I will have to repost it with the term to take effect?-
This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by
berry metal.
Good question! There will at least be some errors logged. I’m unsure if anything destructive would happen like setting a strange date for a post or something. I doubt it as the post query would fail first. Failure to assign a term means there would be no
value. For safety it’s always a good idea to verify a value exists in $_POST before trying to use it. Add a line like this as the first line in your function:// quit if the item has no assigned relations term if ( ! array_key_exists('relations', $_POST ) || 2 > count( $_POST['relations'])) return;
With no term assigned to an item, no post will be updated. Whenever you do add a term to the item, the related post would then be updated.
If I want to change the date of a “post” post, why do I have to hook into save_items, instead of save_posts?
I was told in the meanwhile that “save_items” doesn’t exist, and I should use “save_post”.
This is the final code, but no matter that I use save_items or save_post (i tried with save_item and save_posts too to make sure that the plura-singular is not an issue), the code does not change the post date after I post the “items” post, and there are no error messages (debug is not activated though):
add_action('save_items','update_post_time',99,2); function update_post_time($item_id, $item_object) { // Get the post's ID $item_id = $_POST['relations'][1]; // Double check for post's ID, since this value is mandatory in wp_update_post() if ($item_id) { // Form an array of data to be updated $latest_cpt = get_posts([ 'posts_per_page'=> 1, 'post_type'=>'post', 'tax_query'=>[[ 'taxonomy'=>'relations', 'field'=>'term_id', 'terms'=> $item_id, ],], ]); // Get the current time $time = current_time('mysql'); // Form an array of data to be updated $post_data = array( 'ID' => $latest_cpt[0]->ID, 'post_modified' => $time, 'post_modified_gmt' => get_gmt_from_date( $time ) ); // Update the latest post with the same term wp_update_post( $post_data ); } }
It turns out that I have to use this format: save_post_items, according to the Codex: tried it, but it still doesn’t work.
Could you give a hint, what could be wrong?Thank you.
Have a great day!Thanks, I update the code with the check for the term.
Maybe this code updates the post date instead of the “last updated” date?
My posts don’t display the post date. They only display the “last updated” date.
(Which of course, sometimes is identic with the post date.)-
This reply was modified 3 years, 7 months ago by
berry metal.
But the Codex link
says “do_action” not “add_action”. Is that not an issue?And it recommends to add “$update”, I am not sure it’s necessary to add it if I only want to change the date when the “item” is newly posted…
I also added this line
if ( $update ) return;
and $update into the function, to not update the post date if an item has been updated…
so final code is:
add_action('save_post_items','update_post_time',99,2); function update_post_time($item_id, $item_object, $update) { if ( $update ) return; // quit if the item has no assigned relations term if ( ! array_key_exists('relations', $_POST ) || 2 > count( $_POST['relations'])) return; // Get the post's ID $item_id = $_POST['relations'][1]; // Double check for post's ID, since this value is mandatory in wp_update_post() if ($item_id) { // Form an array of data to be updated $latest_cpt = get_posts([ 'posts_per_page'=> 1, 'post_type'=>'post', 'tax_query'=>[[ 'taxonomy'=>'relations', 'field'=>'term_id', 'terms'=> $item_id, ],], ]); // Get the current time $time = current_time('mysql'); // Form an array of data to be updated $post_data = array( 'ID' => $latest_cpt[0]->ID, 'post_modified' => $time, 'post_modified_gmt' => get_gmt_from_date( $time ) ); // Update the latest post with the same term wp_update_post( $post_data ); } }
No errors, but still doesn’t work.
This reply was modified 3 years, 8 months ago by
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