• Rookie question, but google isn’t being at all helpful. I would really like to know how to alter the layout of my site (www.behaviourbabble.com) so that the paragraphs of text within my posts do not stretch so far across the page (I’m not sure what the technical name for this is!).

    I love all other aspects of the theme (Heidi), but this is really bugging me. It just makes my site look not quite right when my sentences take up such a large proportion of the screen.

    I assume i need to alter the stye.css, but since i have never done this before I will probably need a bit of walking through the process!

    Advice would be really apprenticed!

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  • Hey there!

    Yes, you’re right – you will need to add some CSS to your site – and you could add to the style.css, the code “could” be this:

    .page-content, .entry-content, .posted-on, .entry-summary {
      width: 80%;

    This will make the everything in your posts 80% of the width of the light green container. It should be noted that this code may have to be changed with some “media queries” so that the your text goes back to full width on mobiles -but that’s for another topic.

    Also, that code makes everything 80% width – you may want your images or other elements to stay full width – in which case you’ll want to target just the specific objects like this:

    .entry-content p, .entry-content ul {
      width: 80%;

    This example only sets the “paragraphs” and “unordered lists” to 80%

    “Where” you add the CSS is important – you should try not to add it to the style.css – just in case you need to update or re install your theme, as you’ll lose the custom css code you added.

    So use a plugin like:


    or something with some awesome features that will help you also learn CSS on the way is:


    Hope this helps!


    Another option could be to add padding to the right hand side of the text like this:

    .page-content, .entry-content, .posted-on, .entry-summary {
    padding: 0 60px 0 40px;

    40px is what the theme is currently set to for left and right padding, so simply replace “60px” with whatever value works for you
    PS: the sequence of numbers above targets, in order: top right bottom left padding

    For more info you can look here: https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_padding.asp

    Hope this helps

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