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  • Plugin Author anssi


    hmm… Did you enable the plugin? ?? Do you see any errors in the browser’s dev console?

    Thread Starter deyson


    Hello Anssi and good day! ??

    Here is what is going on so you may get a better idea of my dilemma.

    I am currently using Flowplayer version 5.0 without the wordpress plugin. It seems when I update to the latest version of flowplayer it fails. I was told the error may be somewhere inside of my WordPress.

    Now that there is a WordPress plugin I wanted to see if it would work. I removed the manual script I had and installed your plugin and I can not see where the flowplayer post editor is and the videos do not play.

    Also after I installed the plugin all the embeds I did previously stopped working.

    Here is a link with the flowplayer working with a manual installed script using version 5.0:

    Also, the most important players are here, which you can see play on hover which was my goal:

    I would love to use the latest player but I have been stuck with version 5.0 as I can not figure out why it is causing me errors.

    And to answer your question. No there is no error in my console on either the dashboard or the page itself.

    Flowplayer 5.0 is working for me. But I would I like to find a way to use the most recent version.

    Thank you and have a wonderful day!

    Plugin Author anssi


    Hi Deyson,

    Unfortunately it’s quite difficult to say what goes wrong. You should definitely see the Flowplayer stuff below the wordpress post editor. Like shown in the 2nd screenshot here:

    I have some more questions to you:

    Do you see “Flowplayer 5 for WordPress” in the list of plugins? Can you activate it? Can you access it’s preferences?

    Thread Starter deyson


    Hello Anssi. I think I figured it out. It seems that the flowplayer video code editor is way down on the page, that is the reason I missed it. I was looking above and right under the post.

    I removed the manual flowplayer script and used the code editor and it worked.

    I guess I will have to change all the thumbnails that play on hover video with the flowplayer short code though, correct?

    Will I still be able to create this effect with the wordpress plugin version?

    I want the hover effect to work on the thumbnails and I also still want a regular version player for the front page:

    I achieved this by adding < div class=”flowplayer hover no-toggle”>

    Thank you again ??

    Plugin Author anssi


    Unfortunately the wordpress plugin does not allow you to achieve the hover effect, at least yet. I’m thinking if i should add support for these also.

    Thread Starter deyson


    Please let me know if you do so I can take on the huge task of changing. ??

    I do not need the plugin but since the script is not working on the latest Flowplayer I guess I will have no choice.

    It is weird that the wordpress plugin works but manually adding the script does not.

    Thank you very much again ??

    Plugin Author Ulrich


    Marking this as resolved.

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