• Im following a tutorial to create a custom WordPress them from scratch, but I’m creating my site slightly different. The tutorial created a project page, but I’m making a blog page and I need to add the ability to select categories for the posts.

    Here is my code from the functions.php file. What do I need to add to this code so that I’ll have the option to add categories?

    function gt_custom_post_type() {
          'rewrite' => array('slug' => 'investing posts'),
          'labels' => array(
            'name' => 'Investing Posts',
            'singular_name' => 'Investing Post',
            'add_new_item' => 'Add New Investing Post',
            'edt_item' => 'Edit Investing Post',
          'menu-icon' => 'dashicons-clipboard',
          'public' => true,
          'has_archive' => true,
          'supports' => array(
            'title', 'thumbnail', 'editor', 'excerpt', 'comments'
    add_action('init', 'gt_custom_post_type');
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  • Here is an article that describes how to add Categories to custom post type using a plugin method (Custom Post UI), or manually :


    FYI, this plugin is actually very good :

    I’m confused now… Are we talking custom theme or custom post type?

    Or are we talking a custom theme for displaying custom post types with categories?

    Sorry, I was only making references to adding Categories to your custom post type. Was not referring to the theme.

    Yeah, what Jeff said…
    Themes are the worst place to register post types, because you can switch themes at any time (even on each page), and then your post type is gone!
    You should put that code into a plugin instead, even a mu-plugin so it’s always there.
    Try not to make it too difficult to make your site look different later (keep the custom post stuff in the plugin, not the theme). This includes templates for that post type (the plugin can filter them in), and post meta fields (the plugin can filter them in).
    Themes should be simple and generic so you can change your site easily. You can put some custom post stuff in a child theme, so it’s all encapsulated, and when you go to switch themes, the child theme is easier to redo since it’s all in one place.

    Thread Starter lgehrig4


    This is all new to me so perhaps I’m just explaining it incorrectly. This is also just a learning experience. I don’t need this site for anything. Let me add what I hope will be some clarity.

    1. We originally created the site using just plain HTML, CSS and JS files.
    2. Next I created a wordpress (instance you call it?) locally using MAMP.
    3. Right now we are starting to create the wordpress pages, but have not moved the orignal design code over yet.
    4. When I created the wordpress instance there was already a posts category.
    5. The instructor created a 2nd ‘project’ page but where I went off was that I want two post pages, each with a completely different topic of posts. The topics on each of those pages will have categories within the topic.

    So whether or not this really makes sense I would like to know the code for adding a ‘categories’ option, just like I was able to add images, excerpts etc.

    So even if this is not the best way I would still like to know how it is done. Can anyone look at the code I posted and tell me how to add a ‘categories’ section?

    edit: I’ll check out those links posted above

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by lgehrig4.
    Thread Starter lgehrig4


    thank you corrinarusso! It was in the first link

    ‘taxonomies’ => array( ‘category’ )

    Thanks to everyone who replied

    Just incase anyone else sees this topic and wonders…

    The really simple way to do this is to use a link into the required category like this…


    The above would have been for where my category was my ‘ipfs’ posts!

    The quick way to create this link is to either look at (view) a post within that category and click the category name or to use a category widget…

    If it was a tag you needed instead, you’d find a post or use a tag cloud widget to find the same kind of link for the desired tag instead. Click that and again you should get something like…


    If there is a single item then you’ll get just the one item else, with multiple items in that category or tag, you’ll see them listed on the page or pages returned. This normally works via the loop used by the ‘blog page’ but you can create a theme page template just to present these items if you wish.

    Edited to fix the second URL

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by JNashHawkins.
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