Thank you for trying to help me. It’s possible that it is me not doing something right but I have tried and tried. Here’s my steps:
I go to write, write page, fill in page title and some text, click “create new page”. it says ” ! page saved. Manage pages >> ‘, I click on “managed pages” and I don’t see a new page. I click on view site and see nothing. I am expecting to see a new page at the top of the blog where I already have “Home, Sponsors, Contact”. When I click on the pages tab in the Page Management Section I see it listed under “Sponsors and Contact” with id 190, but when I click this link:
It looks like a “Post” not a “Page”.
I asked the person who set up my blog what’s wrong and he said that in the version that I have, Pages can’t be created this way that it is an HTML change instead. So, I went looking for the correct file to edit. jetshack suggested that I edit the header.php page, which I did and added “Test”. Test does show up as a Page but I can’t edit the page. There is no where to bring it up and add text to it. I believe my version is 2.0.1 — not sure where to find that info.
I also think that the person who set this up didn’t do something right but I can’t seem to get much help out of him so I think he just doesn’t know.
Can you advise me what is wrong and what I can do to fix this? I would like to add multiple pages at the top of the blog. If it is a series of HTML files that I need to edit, I can do that if someone can tell me which ones and what I need to change. If it’s a permission problem, please tell me where / how to change that as well.
You can email me at if that is easier. Thanks for your help!