Hi Darius,
If you have some PHP code knowledge then you could do this very easily.
Here the instructions:
1) Locate file appointment-calendar-shotcode.php
in plugin directory
2) Around line no. 96 you found a comment like as:
//send notification & chech mail type
3) Here we are checking the Email Type & Creating a Subject & Body for sending emails to Admin & Client/Customer. If you want to notify particular staff then call function according to Email Type you saved in Notification Settings as:
//client mail
mail($recipent_email, $subject_to_recipent, $phpmail_body_for_recipent, $headers);
// admin mail
mail( $admin_email, $subject_to_admin, $phpmail_body_for_admin, $headers);
For WP Mail
//recipient mail
wp_mail( $recipent_email, $subject_to_recipent, $wpmail_body_for_recipent, $headers, $attachments = '' );
// admin mail
wp_mail( $admin_email, $subject_to_admin, $wpmail_body_for_admin, $headers, $attachments = '' );
For SMTP Email
// admin mail
$Email->notifyadmin($hostname, $portno, $smtpemail, $password, $admin_email, $subject_to_admin, $body_for_admin, $BlogName);
// client email
$Email->notifyclient($hostname, $portno, $smtpemail, $password, $admin_email, $recipent_email, $subject_to_recipent, $body_for_recipent, $BlogName);
I hope this will help you a lot.