Create a new page for your top 10 category.
Put all 10 of your items as posts in a category.
In the code below, replace “page-slug” with the slug name for your
new category page, it will be the same as your page title, but all lowercase and with dashes between words.
In the code below, change ‘cat’ ‘1’ to the category id number for your category.
to do this:
Go to Posts/Categories then select to edit your category for the top 10. on the category editing page you’ll find the id# in the url.
<?php if (is_page('page-slug')) { ?>
<?php query_posts( array( 'posts_per_page' => 1, 'cat' => '1', 'paged' => ( get_query_var('paged') ? get_query_var('paged') : 1 ), ));
if (have_posts()) {
while (have_posts()) {
<?php } ?>
Now, you have to paste this code in your page.php template, put it right after where it says “if have posts”.
then go check your page, you should see what you are after, of very close, you may need to edit some css so we’ll see