• Hello,

    I bought my domain thru WordPress and I just bought the subscription on Bluehost. I wanted to add an HTML link from Amazon Associates, but when I click preview all I see is the link. How do I fix this? Thanks!

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  • Just make sure you are using the Text editor instead of the Visual editor when you are creating your posts or pages. You’ll see a tab for each at the top right of the editor field. I always use the Text editor just because I often add HTML tags.

    Thread Starter Jenniffer



    I made sure is on Text Editor. I paste the HTML code there, click publish, but I see the HTML code and not the image.




    Is the last screen shot from your blog page or is it from the individual product page? Are you able to post a link to your page so I can take a look? The last screen shot is different than your first two, so the HTML itself isn’t being published, it’s the contents of the iframe.

    Can you also either post a link to your Amazon product page so I can try pasting it into one of my test pages, or else copy & paste the HTML into a pastebin so I can copy it from there? Thanks. I don’t want to have to try & type everything in by hand.

    Thread Starter Jenniffer



    this is the HTML that I’m trying to post.

    <iframe style=”width:120px;height:240px;” marginwidth=”0″ marginheight=”0″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”0″ src=”//ws-na.amazon-adsystem.com/widgets/q?ServiceVersion=20070822&OneJS=1&Operation=GetAdHtml&MarketPlace=US&source=ac&ref=qf_sp_asin_til&ad_type=product_link&tracking_id=lifeismessyan-20&marketplace=amazon&region=US&placement=8867323679&asins=8867323679&linkId=b96de83e8121f14d655aaf6ec2006aa4&show_border=false&link_opens_in_new_window=false&price_color=333333&title_color=0066c0&bg_color=ffffff”>

    Yes, the last screen shot is the same put published in my blog. I am able to post https:// urls but for some reason I’m unable to post this one.

    The password is practice:

    OK, you say you “bought a subscription on Bluehost,” but it looks like your site is actually hosted on wordpress.com, is that correct? That is, do you have a web hosting account with Bluehost? Because wordpress.com sites don’t allow iframe tags. See this post and this post for more information. You will need to get a web hosting account on Bluehost and “self host” your own site, not on WordPress.com.

    Just as an FYI, the iframe code does work. You can look at this page (make sure to turn off any ad blocking extensions on your browser).

    Thread Starter Jenniffer


    Yes, I bought a subscription with Bluehost. I downloaded WordPress and followed all their steps, but I can’t seem to get it to connect or work with my website. If you could help me I would really appreciate it!

    I still have to wait 60 days to be able to move my domain from WordPress to Bluehost, could this be the issue why is not working properly?

    By the way, it works on your website! Yay! lol

    Thank you for your patience and time.

    I still have to wait 60 days to be able to move my domain from WordPress to Bluehost, could this be the issue why is not working properly?

    Wow, I’m surprised you have to wait so long. But, yes, that’s probably why it’s not working right, your domain is pointing to your wordpress.com site and not your Bluehost site. When it’s finally pointing to your Bluehost site, you will have to move all of your content over from wordpress.com to your Bluehost site.


    The IFrame code will work fine, you just need to go to Text instead of Visual to add the code in, then save the page.

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