• Hi I just got my WordPress up and running. However I only have two pages at this point: the home page, and an about page. I would like to have one more page say title Art. I know how to create the page, but I want to be able to make posts to the “art” page. Right now I am only able to post to the home page. please help

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  • Set up a new category called “Art” and assign posts to that category as required. They will, however, still appear on the front page unless you modify The Loop in your theme’s index.php file to exclude that category along the lines of:

    <?php if(have_posts()) : while(have_posts()) : the_post(); ?>
    <?php if(in_category('Art')) continue;?>

    I am trying to do this also. I see people with multiple tabs along the top of their blogs like this https://dougandcam.com/ and was wondering if I need to create sub domains with my main domain and install WordPress in each subdomain folder.

    The category idea sounds good, but I’m a bit nervous about modifying code (my first time)

    Thanks for any help you can give.

    I see people with multiple tabs along the top of their blogs

    They’re just links to blog pages or category pages. You don’t need to install multiple copies of WP to achieve this but you may need to edit your theme to incorporate this kind of horizontal menu. Or simply use a another theme that already has this kind of functionality built-in.

    The category idea sounds good, but I’m a bit nervous about modifying code (my first time)

    Any half-decent theme should include category handling and should build all of the necessary menus for you automatically. Just try setting up a new category and assigning a single post to it. You’ll then get a better idea of how your current theme will build the menu.

    Thanks. I appreciate the reply. What I am trying to do is post daily info about my family, but have a photos sections, video section, etc. so if I can really just post to a certain page would be great, but the problem I have had with video is that it just posts the link to the video and not what I embedded in the post. This happens on different themes which I tried because I thought maybe the first one wasn’t very good and not capable. But it happened with the others also.

    So, I want only posts I make to be included in their respective sections only. The Main page for content, photos only in the photo section and videos in that section only. I thought categories was the answer also, but when it just gave the link or didn’t work right I got confused.

    Photos only in the photo section and videos in the video section can be easily handled by using categories. What isn’t so easy is to limit what appears on your blog’s front page. The only options I can think would mean either editing your theme’s index.php file to limit post listings to a single category or setting up your blog to use a static front page with all of the post pages as “sub-sections”.


    I would suggest you read the following
    there is a section in there about placing posts of a category into specific pages. You would just create a new page template which associates categories with the specific pages.

    The other item would be to use a plugin like advance category excluder to “hide” the categories from the home page.

    You should be good to go after that.


    Thread Starter soulrider911


    So I just create a new category “”art” as well as a new page “art” then modify the code and it should work?

    Thread Starter soulrider911


    k so I have installed a plugin that will block certain posts from the home page, now how or what do I need to do to redirect and have those posts show up on another page…For example I have a page called “tutorials” I also created a category called “tutorials” I want all the posts in the “tutorials” category to show up on that respective page.
    thanks in advance please help almost there

    They should be displayed on the relevant category page automatically.

    Thread Starter soulrider911


    Right, that I understand My question is if I have an entirely new page…like on the main nav at the top say “tutorials” how can I get the posts to appear there Im up for anything if I have to hack some code to get it to work I all for it.
    thanks for the help

    Two way:

    1. Hack the top menu to include specific categories using wp_list_categories with the ‘include’ parameter to limit the list.

    2. Create a custom page template to show only posts from a given category, then apply this template to the appropriate page. I’ve dropped a copy of an template I created that did just this into the Pastebin:


    It will almost certainly need amending to suit your theme but, hopefully, there’ll be enough in there to get you started.

    I think this will help do what you want.


    Hi there

    I using a custom theme and would also like to add post to a new page but not a category. I have removed most of the widgets on my theme design including my category. In my main navigation ‘video’, I want to have all my video post to that page and not the homepage.

    How do I accomplish this?

    Thanks in advance

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