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  • What links are you talking about (Categories, calendar..)?

    Thread Starter raptrex



    Moderator James Huff


    What links, exactly? Also, how do you want to change them? Do you want to change the name, destination URL, look, etc?

    Thread Starter raptrex


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    that is what i want to change
    i want to edit them like change the url and stuff

    all i need to know is what page to edit

    To change the links in the right side, look into index.php. Scroll down a couple hunderd lines and find the code between:

    <? // Begin Sidebar Menu ?>

    <? // EndSidebar Menu ?>

    Find (couldn’t get the brackets correct for displaying here so bare with me here):

    li <h2><?php _e(‘Archives’); ?></h2>
    <?php wp_get_archives(‘type=monthly’); ?>
    Just replace the <?php wp_get_archives(‘type=monthly’); ?> with what ever you want in there. This hopefully should get you started.

    oops.. I meant to copy the above ‘Archives’ part and edit it to match what you want. Make sure to also change ‘Archives’ to be the topic heading you want.

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