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  • You will need to edit

    The following code should do it.

    $purchlogitem = new wpsc_purchaselogs_items( $this->log_id );
          if ( ! empty($purchlogitem->additional_fields ) ) {
    		  foreach( (array) $purchlogitem->additional_fields as $value ) {
    			 $value['value'] = maybe_unserialize ($value['value'] );
    			 if( is_array( $value['value'] ) ) {
    				<p><strong><?php echo $value['name']; ?>:</strong><br /> <?php echo nl2br(implode( stripslashes( $value['value'] ), ',' )); ?></p>
    				<p><strong><?php echo $value['name']; ?>:</strong><br /> <?php echo nl2br(stripslashes( $value['value'] )); ?></p>

    You may need to tweak it a bit. I added the line breaks and nl2br function because it fit my needs.

    Also, remember that if you edit that core WP E-Commerce file, it will get wiped out whenever you do an update, so keep a backup.

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