• I am looking to haev a blog on my site and to be honest I don’t have a clue where to start.

    I would like a blog that looks and feels pretty much like this

    How hard woudl it be to do? coudl I easily do it myself?

    Any help anybody can offer woudl be much appreciated


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  • https://themes.wordpress.net
    some looks for your site – check them out

    review some of this – most folks can handle it

    also, you can sign up at wordpress.com for a free blog if you think it’s too much

    Thread Starter CelticWebs


    I’ve installed the blog and got it running, but I’ve been asked to make it look and feel similar to teh one in the link above.

    I don’t quite know what I’d be editing as I don’t know what each part is classed as to know what to put where even if I knew how to do it anyway. I know this sounds a bit ‘I can’t be bothered to try’ but I don’t know what I’m tryoing to do in the first place. I’ve installed teh blog and had a quick look at editing it, I can see how to change some bacis colours but when it comes to inserting various part sinto different places on the page, I’m stuffed!

    Find a theme that is very similar with the 2 sidebars
    The right sidebar can easily be configured the way it is on the typepad site from the widgets menu in admin.

    The left sidebar is a bit more work in that whatever theme you choose you will need to modify that theme’s “leftsidebar.php” (or whatever it is called in your theme).

    The stuff in the middle is simply going into admin and making a post or page.

    If you need to import the posts and stuff from that site:

    Thread Starter CelticWebs


    yike, all 4 replies teh same, I thought I was a bit click happy lol. I don’t need teh info from that site, just ned to make a theme that looks and feels similar to it. I have a feeling I’m going to make a mess of this lol

    Thread Starter CelticWebs


    oh and thanks for your help ??

    Hugely appreciated ??

    Thread Starter CelticWebs


    ok I;ve got as far as https://www.niaandhuw.co.uk/wordpress/?page_id=2

    how do I swap teh left and right hand side columns? Also how do I edit what is shown in teh one column? I can alter what is currently eth left column but I can’t alter the right one.

    If somebody has a template that is closer to the site I want it to look like taht woudl be very helpful, taht was teh closest I coudl find and it’s not rite. that one is convergence….

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