Hi @aboode114,
I hope you are well today and thank you for your question.
can I custom Shipping field e.g /disable Shipping proceed /or add field in Shipping ?
You can add custom shipping field to the shipping form by hooking onto the ‘mp_checkout_shipping_field’ filter (see wordpress-ecommerce/marketpress-includes/template-functions.php lines 837 and 906) and you can hook onto the ‘mp_shipping_process’ action to process the shipping form.
I do not need the adress field and zip code and State/Province/Region:* and city
You can hide it by adding the following CSS code in the style.css file of your child theme or add it in your site using the following plugin.
#mp_shipping_form table tbody tr:nth-child(4),
#mp_shipping_form table tbody tr:nth-child(5),
#mp_shipping_form table tbody tr:nth-child(6),
#mp_shipping_form table tbody tr:nth-child(7),
#mp_shipping_form table tbody tr:nth-child(8){
display: none !important;
To remove the validations of these fields, add the following code on line number 3344 inside the cart_checkout_error function in the below MarketPress plugin file.
if( $context == 'city' || $context == 'zip' || $context == 'address1' || $context == 'state' ){
$msg = str_replace('"', '\"', $msg); //prevent double quotes from causing errors.
Note: If you make any changes in the plugin core file then these changes will be overwritten and lost on the updation of that plugin and you will have to make these changes again in the plugin file.
when i disable Quantity from setting it does not been disabled ?
Could you please tell me how you are disabling it and share me the site link where it is displaying so that i can troubleshoot it?
Kind Regards,