How create a Custom Page Template
I want to create my own homepage, instead of the default one. How can I make a Platform PageLines compatible custom page template?
Yes. It’s easy. But not when using Platform. I need Platform specific instructions.
I have a similar concern but not sure what your specifics are for the custom homepage. In my case, I’m going to move wordpress into a subdirectory so my homepage will have a standalone index and custom look which will include a link to my wordpress Platform home page. Once through my initial home page access link, the rest of the way is all Platform.
I’m trying to follow the instructions on this page
It says: copy the page.php and modify it.
But the Platform PageLine page.php only contains one line of code:
get_template_part( 'template.load' );
What I want to do is to add some widgets to the custom template, and then use it as a home page. Instructions are on this page:
But I’m not sure where to add the code… Since the Platform PageLine page.php page doesn’t look at all like the examples in the links above…
Any ideas?
Hey niska,
Thanks for the heads up on that tutorial. That totally gives me what I needed to know to customize the homepage.
As far as modifying code on PageLine’s page.php, it would be the same deal. Copy page.php so you have your original in case you mess up your modification. Leave your copy as a copy and on your original page.php insert your code and it should run if the code you’ve borrowed is intact and solvent.
I don’t have time today to check out the two links thoroughly but I will look into them to see what they’re describing. One quick guess is that Pagelines’ code on page.php is just a call to a file with the template code. You might have to look on that template file to see if the code you want to modify is stored there. When I check it out, I’ll post my findings.
Jeez, where’s the template author? It’d be nice to see a Pagelines tutorial to depict the specifics for their framework.
I’m unable to find the template code. It’s really complex. Any ideas?
copy page.php from twentyten.
jocken: I’ve actually tried it, but the resulting page isn’t correctly styled.
twentyten contains:
<div id="container"> <div id="content" role="main">
I don’t think Platform PageLine have “container” and “content” in the stylesheet. Or maby something else is wrong.
What I need is more information about how to edit the
get_template_part( 'template.load' );
to use my own custom template, but keep the header, footer and sidebar intact.
I too want to create a Custom Page Template. I followed this link,
I opened that file in DreamWeaver then “save as” a different file name. I named the template for my sales page signup_page.php.As instructed at the very top of this new file, I copied and pasted the block of PHP code as follows:
Template Name: [Healthy weight loss for teens]*/
?>I left the “Template Name:” in place. I changed the name of the page as shown above.
The following instruction “Once you have done that, upload this new file to your blog theme’s folder.”
I am new to this, the question is where do you go to upload this new file to the blog theme’s folder? How do you get to the blog theme’s folder?
I went to Appearance, theme but i could not see any option to upload the file in question.
Please help!
Something else,I also try to get rid of the date and time. I went to theme and editor and tried both files single post(single.php) and Page Template (page.php)and i could not find the entry in question.
I do thank you all in advance.The difficultly with using a framework-based Theme, such as Platform, is that you have to learn both the WordPress template system, and also the framework’s template system.
Perhaps PageLines offers some support or documentation, to explain how to add custom Page templates for their framework?
@armon99: you should probably start your own support thread, as your question is not related to the OP’s.
@chip Bennet: i thought the title of the discussion is “How create a Custom Page Template” and this is part of my request.
@armon99: that may be the title, but the OP’s question specifically deals with custom Page templates for the Platform Theme.
Your question a) doesn’t involve the Platform Theme, and b) is more generally related to how to upload Theme files.
My suggestion that you start a new topic is for your benefit, so that your question doesn’t get lost in the mix in this topic.
True, a new support thread could bring more of your questions together specifically and independent of Platform issues. Good idea.
But here’s the simple solution for this question only:
“I am new to this, the question is where do you go to upload this new file to the blog theme’s folder? How do you get to the blog theme’s folder?”Blog theme folders are what you install in the content directory folder that contains your wordpress files. If you have your blog installed as your home page, it will be installed in your root directory, probably within a folder called something like “content” and it will be where all your wordpress files appear. Within that directory, you’ll find “wp-content” which will contain varying other sub-directories including your plug-ins and themes. Depending on the theme you are using, it’s directory (folder) will either be within the themes directory or it will simply reside within “wp-content.”
Depending on the ftp client server you’re using, it should all look pretty straightforward in your directory window.
Hope that helps.
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