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  • I have too this problem… Good ideas, thank’s
    [sig moderated]

    So whooami, are you keeping us updated as to when this solution will be available to us eigther through a how-to description or through a plugin which you said you might release?


    I have to revisit something with you …

    In the process of doing this I have become confused ..

    on 2 seperate servers, 2 fresh installs, if i go and immediately set my permalinks to custom: /%category%/%postname%/

    I do not get a permalink url with the word ‘category’ in it.

    I understand that the category archives still contains that word — however the permalinks do not.

    Can you, or someone else confirm this behaviour?

    the plugin is done.

    Hi, I’m looking forward to your plugin for this.

    About /%category%/%postname%/ – The way it works as far as I’ve tested, is it puts the category of the post with the highest ID number (in case the post is in more than one category) in there instead of %category%.

    Does that have something to do with the way you are removing the category base in the category and category archive permalink structure? I guess it doesn’t..

    I’m looking forward to using your solution.. I’ve been looking for it for a while. I wonder if your solution is so reliable, maybe it could be included in a future WordPress release. And then all future wordpress sites may get the choice to remove that /category/ base for their category permalinks, which I think would make the blogs look more profetionnal for certain type of blogs. Cause you don’t see or having /category/ in their URLs, so why shouldn’t we also be able to build interactive websites with clean and short URLs for category listings.

    I dont need long answers, please ??

    Im saying this, on two different boxes:

    Using this: /%category%/%postname%/

    I do NOT see the word /category/ in the permalink.

    Im talking about BEFORE using any sort of hack or plugin to change anything.

    and for the record, no this wont ever be included in the core — I can assure you. Besides which, wp-chunk is much more useful.

    Well yeah, the default /category/ base only shows up in the categories permalink, not the posts permalink..

    It’s just the categories permalink we want to fix here isn’t it? Or else I don’t understand what you are looking for me to test.

    Looking forward to using your release that fixes category archive permalinks.

    oke, thats what I wanted to hear,thanks ?? we are working out one last bug — I had the post done, and then we discovered something that needed fixing. ??

    In 2.3 cats become tags n’est pas?

    this plugin was *sort of* put on hold temporarily — mainly because when dealing with parent/child categories while we have managed to work out the rweriting for the permalinks and archive views, we are now having to rewrite the feeds for the categories – an well, its sort of a pain in the ass.

    Its worth noting, though, that I do have a working copy for anyone that is NOT using parent/child categories

    Yes please, I am not using parent/child categories.. Thanks a lot for releasing this.

    Yes please, I am not using parent/child categories.. Thanks a lot for releasing this.

    work on this has stopped, and wont continue, for several reasons.

    Sorry to hear it…

    Maybe someone else can use my hack solution so far:

    If you have permalink structure /%category%/%postname%/, then the clean category link yourblog/foo/ automagically works, but it breaks on subsequent pages of the category archive. So I’ve simply put an htaccess redirect for each category referring requests for /foo/page/2/ to /category/foo/page/2/, after which the paging works as normal.

    Any dangers with this technique?

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