• I want to change the logo on all the pages. The website is:https://www.centerschoolpa.org
    I’ve read several postings in this forum but still confused where to change.

    The logo currently in use is Center-School-Logo-new-tag.png
    I want to change it to: CenterSchool_logo1.png

    First I looked at the webpage’s source code.
    Then in WP I went to the header.php file but couldn’t find the logo’s name (Center-School-Logo-new-tag.png).

    Here is part of the source code:

    <header id="header">
    <div class="logo_container">
    <div class="container-fluid container">
    <div class="row-fluid">
    <div class="span4 ">
    <h1 id="logo">
    <a href="https://www.centerschoolpa.org">
    <img class="logo_img" width="301" height="120" src="https://www.centerschoolpa.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Center-School-Logo-new-tag.png" alt="Center School—Private School for Children with LD (Abington & Philadelphia)">

    Below is part of the header.php file that I think affects the logo.

    <?php }?>
    			<div class="logo_container">
    				<div class="container-fluid container">
    					<div class="row-fluid">
    						<div class="span4 <?php if($rtl_layout == 'enable'){echo 'pull-right';}?>">
    							<h1 id="logo">
    								//Print Logo
    								$image_src = '';
    									$image_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $header_logo, 'full' );
    									$image_src = (empty($image_src))? '': $image_src[0];
    								<a href="<?php echo home_url(); ?>">
    									<img class="logo_img" width="<?php echo $logo_width;?>" height="<?php echo $logo_height;?>" src="<?php if($image_src <> ''){echo $image_src;}else{echo CP_PATH_URL.'/images/logo.png';}?>" alt="<?php echo bloginfo( 'name' )?>">

    Am I looking at the wrong php file???
    Please help! I don’t know much about php.

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  • Easiest and least stressful way – simply overwrite the old logo with the new one, located here: /wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Center-School-Logo-new-tag.png

    Other potential ways:
    – Under “Appearance” – there may be a Header or Logo image section (perhaps under “customise” or “theme options”)

    If it’s not in header.php, then it is most likely being set from within wordpress admin

    Thread Starter TiBK


    Thank you so much! I was thinking of the first option also!

    Not sure what you mean by “being set from within wordpress admin”. BTW someone else set up this website.

    Which brings me to another question: Hate to ask this but I forgot where I can find wp-content.
    I looked at a posting that advised to:
    So I did https://www.centerschoolpa.org/wp-content/ and the webpg came up blank. 2 different browsers.

    Then he advised “Normally, it’s right there with all of your other WordPress files and folders. If you have these items all together, in the same place, listed by name (alphabetically), it should be the second item in the list, between the wp-admin and wp-includes folders.”

    I don’t know where to find the wp-admin either.
    Can you tell I’m a newbie??


    You need to FTP to the server or access CPanel – wp-content is only available to web server administrators so you need server access.

    Alternatively, based on the file URL, there is a very high chance that this image is sitting in the Media Library.

    Go to Media and search for Logo – If it is there, then you can replace it without needing server access.

    Simply install a plugin like “Enable Replace Media” – Go back to the Media Library, Find the Logo and then click “Replace Media”

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