• Resolved midlife mama


    Dumb question, I know. But when I publish a new post, I’m never really sure if my recipients receive it. The reason I doubt? According to my wordpress stats, in the hours and days following a post, I get very few “referrer” clicks from email, you know links like “mail.yahoo.com” yet I have nearly 400 subscribers.

    How can I be sure? I’ve read on this forum that you can check your host logs. Not sure how to go about doing that. Any ideas?


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  • @midlife mama,

    To check that sending is happening you can install an Email Log plugin but sending is not the same as receiving. To check that subscribe an email address as a Public Subscriber (most people can access more than one email address these days) and see if the email arrives to that address.

    You might also want to use the tracking parameters in the Subscribe2->Settings page in combination with an analytical plugin.

    Thread Starter midlife mama


    Thank you for answering. I did subscribe with a secondary email and I do get the notifications. Last night, I posted a question on my FB page asking my subscribers if they receive the email–half said “yes,” the other half said “no.”

    I’m not sure what you mean by: “You might also want to use the tracking parameters in the Subscribe2->Settings page in combination with an analytical plugin.” Could you explain in detail?

    Thanks so much for the help.

    @midlife mama,

    If some are getting and other are not it will most likely be a hosting provider limitation on out going emails. Check with your provider and ask if they throttle email sending – i.e. limit the number of emails per hour.

    The tracking parameters are in Subscribe2->Settings in the ‘Emamil Settings’ page where it says ‘Add Tracking Parameters to the Permalink’. An example of what you might use is listed underneath but this needs to be used in conjunction with an Analytics plugin. I don’t personally use anything liek this so I’m afraid I can’t really help much further.

    Thread Starter midlife mama


    Here’s an update:
    Called my host provider, and yes, they have a 150 limit (default setting when I opened the account). They raised it to 750 so hopefully that will take care of the problem!

    Would like to set up tracking parameters with Google Analytics. Anyone have the code I need to plug into “email settings” on the plugin?

    Thread Starter midlife mama


    First, a big thank you for your timely help with my issue. And thanks for the above article. I use a Google Analytic plugin and was just wondering how to set up Google Analytics in Subscribe2. Under “settings” it says “add tracking parameters.”

    @midlife mama,

    As I’ve said above I don’t use analytics myself and you are unlikely to get guidance for that on this forum because it is very rare that anyone other than me responds to questions on here. I think you just need to add some tracking text to that text box as exampled underneath it. I presume your Analytics plugin then does the rest as trackable links will be generated containing that information.

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