• Resolved mikeceret


    I’m using Elementor. I am overriding formatting and setting the single event page contents in the Formatting tab of Event Manager. In Pages tab, I have tried ‘Elementor Full Width’, ‘Page’ and some others, but nothing seems to remove the space used by the widget area on the right, even though many pages on the site, all set the theme default are full width without any space for the widget area. And even though the space is left there, the widgets themselves are not displayed (unlike on the home page).

    Any ideas how I can get the page to be full width?
    The widget area really messes up the css for responsive display on tablet/mobile:
    @media screen and (max-width:800px) {
    .event_left, .event_main, .event_right {
    width:100%; /* The width is 100%, when the viewport is 800px or smaller */
    .event_category {
    width:0%; /* The width is 100%, when the viewport is 800px or smaller */
    where I force the blocks to stack rather than being side by side on desktop….

    Any ideas please?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hello,

    I’m checking the page you mentioned: https://s459538315.onlinehome.fr/events/brass-band-de-toulouse and I don’t seem to see any Sidebars and the page seems to show as Full-Width already? Is this perhaps fixed already?

    Thread Starter mikeceret


    Hi Timrv
    Still looks the same to me.
    If you look on that page, the header goes right to the margin, but there is blank space below it.
    If you see the homepage ( https://s459538315.onlinehome.fr/ ), this is where the widget area/sidebar is.
    However on other pages, such as https://s459538315.onlinehome.fr/le-mot-du-president the text goes all the way to the right margin, and is not blank where the widget area/sidebar is on the home page.
    And I can’t see any difference in the page settings, and of course there is no actual ‘page’ for a single event as it is generated by Events Manager.
    Any ideas?


    Those display issues are not from Events Manager. This is a theme issue or a configuration issue on your theme. I noticed that you’re also using elementor thus it may a set-up issue there also.

    I would suggest contacting your theme developers for it or checking Elementor documentation on how to create 2 columns if those are what you’re looking for.

    https://s459538315.onlinehome.fr/ This page is not controlled by Events Manager.
    https://s459538315.onlinehome.fr/le-mot-du-president This page is not controlled by Events manager also. I would guess is that you’re probably using a “Full Width” Template here.

    https://s459538315.onlinehome.fr/events/brass-band-de-toulouse This is an Events Page, It seems like you’re also using a “Full Width” Template here. I would suggest checking your Elementor or theme configuration for this one.

    For Events, By default EM doesn’t modify any of your page layouts. If the page is a Full-Width or 2 columns by default then it would remain on those Settings. EM only added the “Events Content” on the part where the main content area is. Anything outside this area is entirely controlled by your theme.

    Thread Starter mikeceret


    Hi there.

    I understand your reply, and it is much as I expected.
    As far as I can see, ALL pages are set by default to the Full-width Template.
    But I don’t know where to look to be able to check this for the page template in which EM places the content – that is really what I am asking – how can I see what the default template used by EM is set to, and will this have settings that can be set by device type monitor/tablet/mobile.
    I know it is not an EM issue, but want your help to point me at where to look, if possible.
    Thanks for all your help!

    Plugin Support angelo_nwl


    you can try to create a custom post type (CPT) template in your theme directory like wp-contents/themes/Your Theme/single-event.php and then set your Events > Settings > Pages > Event Pages > Display events as =Post

    for the content of your theme single-event.php you can try the below snippet or copy your single.php

    <?php get_header(); ?>
    <div <?php post_class(); ?>>
    		<?php ct_mission_news_featured_image(); ?>
    		<div class='post-header'>
    			<h1 class='post-title'><?php the_title(); ?></h1>
    		<div class="post-content">
    			global $post;
    			$EM_Event = em_get_event($post->ID, 'post_id');
    			//display feature image
    			echo   $EM_Event->output('#_EVENTIMAGE');
    			//get only the feature image url 
    			echo $EM_Event->output('#_EVENTIMAGEURL');
    			//use something like this 
    			echo  $EM_Event->output('#_EVENTNOTES');
    			//or this; formatting can be set under Events > Settings > Formatting > Events > Single event page format
    			$format   =  get_option ( 'dbem_single_event_format' );
    			echo  $EM_Event->output($format);
    	<?php comments_template(); ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>
    Thread Starter mikeceret


    I’ll give it a try.

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