Hi Khang,
Thanks for your reply.
Digging a bit deeper into the plugin menus, I see that when adding external pages, the “Add/Update an external page” dialog enables to specify the frequency and the priority (and the last modified time) of the page.
Maybe could you make this dialog available for internal site pages. (Access to the dialog could be provided by a button in the WP page editor).
(On a side note, and talking about this dialog, when trying to display it in Chrome, it displays at the top of the chrome window, partly out of the screen, thus the page url cannot be entered).
Now, waiting for V2, I can deal with priority by setting Default and Minimum priority to 1 (so all pages have priority 1. This workaround enables to avoid unwanted priority level set arbitrarily by the plugin on some pages.
But regarding the frequency, I only can set a Default Frequency and the plugin set frequencies based on its own (undocumented?) rules.
Is there any info available on the rules used to set frequency and a way to tweak them?
Or is it possible to have the plugin not writing any frequency in the sitemaps? Same questions for priorities.
Thanks and regards