How can I make full width images, videos and parallax ?
Started up and try the Aesop engine plugin.
I have Genesis Framework and Dynamik Website Builder for now so I can finetune every aspect.
(I will certainly buy one or two of your very nice themes too!)I now have full width and a 1200 px wrapper.
The parallax image inserted just fine – but – within the wrapper.
How can I make and insert full width images, videos and parallax content like you have in your themes – outside the wrapper?(My intention is of course to have full width image and parallax and the text in a wrapper)
Best wishes!;)
Hey Mike!
You’ll need to modify your existing theme pretty heavily. Full-width components really have to be designed for when the theme is just being built. Here’s an old post that explains our approach.Hey Mike, Going to mark this as resolved, but if you need anything else just give us a hollar!
Hi Nick!
Nice to hear from you!
Thanks for a wonderful plugin and a very innovative and beautiful idea regarding the storytelling themes etc.
Will certainly go with the flow here and try to use it in different contexts.
This has even inspired me to take a course on parallax coding and WordPress plugins – so in the future maybe you might get an addon or two from me – with some additional features in it…;)A STORY ABOUT A PROBLEM, SOME TROUBLESHOOTING – AND AN UNEXPECTED SIMPLE SOLUTION …
The problem is not solved though.
I have scanned the net for info on this – and tried to get the full width in the DWB theme through the settings – but haven′t succeeded – but eventually will.
The problem was that I would like to have a full width parallax image (maybe 1500px or so) with a 1200px wrapper for the text.
The only solution I did came up with was a quite easy one – just insert some html code and format the text.
This code did the job perfectly:
<div style=”text-align:justify;padding-left:100px;padding-right:100px;”>
</div>But I did get a feedback on this – the solution will not be able to be responsive.
So I really can′t use it.>>> But if one tries to do this through indent – this seems to be an easier solution than change the basic code in the theme. CSS!
It is very easily done in DWB through the Custom CSS Builder.The real solution was supposedly in the CSS styles. I have tried to find a solution there but haven′t found any for now.
Maybe there is one – but I haven′t found any.
Someone who knows about CSS code that would indent my text only – and then I mean all of the text – not one row -I would be very happy to have it.
It would really be an easy solution – working globally on the site or on a page – and supposedly fully responsive.
It really is one of those things that feels a little funny – that one can′t indent a text in a webpage.BREAKING NEWS: I have just now received a feedback on my problem that might be the solution.
I did get a tip that one of the skins to DWB has the right CSS styling code in it for this – indent through CSS that is –
and I could go from there. I will update here if I get positive results.Maybe this could be a coming feature in the Aesop Plugin – to CSS indent the text in any theme.
It would overall be very nice if the Aesop Plugin could play nice with the Genesis Framework and Dynamik Website Builder set up –
As you could do almost any changes.
I will certainly buy the NOVELLA THEME – but have one customization that I really would like to have.I will find a solution – or write my own – but I just throw it out here in case there would be a solution on this somewhere.
I would like to have it as it is – but I would like to have parallax in the frontpage that show the collections –
and also parallax in the starting full width image on every page that start each story.(exactly like Jorgen theme)
Especially nice it is when the text is fading in and fading out on the parallax image.
Maybe one could write a simple plugin for this – or an addon to the Aesop Plugin..?If somebody out there would have a solution for this I would be happy to pay a certain amount of money for this.
(Or is it a good update for the theme itself, Nick…?)I know I want to have this – so I find a solution somewhere…
Best wishes!;)
Hi Mike!
Instead of using pixels for padding, use %, and you’ll still be responsive. Try something like 5% on each side and go from there. ??
Parallax on the front page of Novella is certainly a cool idea! I will make sure to ask Nick to revisit this post.
Hi mama!
I will try that.
It would be awesome to have the Aesop Plugin fully functioning on the Genesis/DWB platform as I can easily custom so very much from the settings there.I can buy several themes to give you money for this – if you would update just with this very nice things on Novella. The theme is then perfect and the rest is ordinary updates and plugins.
The magic of parallax should be utilized in this context.MY SUGGESTION FOR NOVELLA UPDATE: (Nick todo list)
I would like to have it as it is – but I would like to have parallax in the frontpage that show the collections instead of static images – and also parallax in the starting full width image on every page that start each story.(exactly like Jorgen theme)Especially nice it is when the text is fading in and fading out on the parallax image. (like Jorgen theme)
Check here for a very nice example of a very simple – but kind of magic – parallax that should be very nice for Novella. Keep the hight as it is in Novella though. With softly fading text in and out.
Like this with another hight – and also on the starter full width image on st story page with fading text.
————————————Best wishes!;)
Hi Mike!
Have you added the Aesop styling classes to Genesis? We’ve made it super easy to do with our last update! Check out and scroll to the “Load Extended CSS Support” section. Just paste that last snippet of code into a plugin like Code Snippets and we’ll make Genesis load Aesop styles beautifully. ??
I will certainly log your suggestions. You never know, you might see your idea one day!
Very nice of you to give me tips on this.
If this works it could be a solution.I pasted the code with all the styles in the Code Snippets Plugin –
and activated the snippet.add_theme_support(“aesop-component-styles”, array(“parallax”, “image”, “quote”, “gallery”, “content”, “video”, “audio”, “collection”, “chapter”, “document”, “character”, “map”, “timeline”) );
Then I posted content (a piece of text) through the Aesop plugin with 50% padding on left and right – but all I get is a black section.
(Text posted at the bottom through the Aesop Plugin)What may the error be here…?
Hi Mike.
The reason you are seeing a dark box with no text is because your text and content background colors are the same.
Your genesis theme uses #333 as the paragraph text color. And it looks like the color you selected for the content box background is #333 also. I would suggest changing the box color to something else (your easiest option).
If you don’t want to do that, then you can always overwrite anything you want by writing custom CSS code. ??
I now can – through Aesop – get centred text with margins on the full paragraph. Nice!;) I understand what you say here.
One thing though – it is standard – it seems – in Content – to have white text and black background.
Wouldn′t it be better to have black text and white background as a preset – or better still –
to have the settings according to the last change or something.I comeback if I get some tip on pure CSS to format all the text in a page (hard to find) – or some other feedback on the plugin.
Thanks for the tips here mama – now I can use the plugin – everything seems to work fine.
I will buy Novella in a while – hopefully with the new updates!
Hi Mike!
Your Genesis child theme is actually determining the text color (#333) for paragraphs so you’ll have to alter your theme settings in order to change the text color.
If you decide to format with custom CSS, I recommend using a plugin like Simple Custom CSS to save your CSS (
If you’re not familiar with how to use CSS inspector in Chrome, it’s super easy to use and will make finding the css classes that you’ll need when you want to change the design. Here’s a great in-depth article about this:
I hope you enjoy Novella! ??
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