• Hello I tried two plugins but I got the same error. Those plugins converts the cyrillic characters used in the post slug into latin chars.
    However the result is like “aaaaaiaaaaa” and other similar.
    Those are the two plugins :
    Any help is appreciated

    add_filter('name_save_pre', 'cyr_slugs', 0);
    function cyr_slugs($slug) {
        $cyrillic = array('?','α','β','γ','δ','ε','ζ','η','θ','ι','κ','λ','μ','ν','ξ','ο','π','ρ','?','σ','τ','υ','φ','χ','ψ','ω','?','?','?','?','?','?');
        $translit = array('a','b','v','g','d','e','zh','z','i','i','k','l','m','n','o','p','r','s','t','u','f','h','c','ch','sh','sht','u','y','y','e','yu','ya');
        // We don't want to change an existing slug
    	if ($slug) return $slug;
    	global $wpdb;
    	$cyr_slug = cyr_strtolower(strtolower(stripslashes($_POST['post_title'])));
    	$cyr_slug = str_replace($cyrillic, $translit, $cyr_slug);
    	$cyr_slug = str_replace(" ", "-", $cyr_slug);
    	return $cyr_slug;
    function cyr_strtolower($a) {
    	// Just in case standard strtolower doesn't work
            return strtr($a,$m);
    class Cyr2LatSlug
    	var $translit_table = array(
    	" "=>'-');
    	function Cyr2LatSlug() {
    		add_filter('name_save_pre', array(&$this, 'doCyr2LatSlug'), 1);
    	function doCyr2LatSlug($slug) {
    		global $wpdb;
    		//setlocale(LC_ALL, 'en_US.UTF8');
    	    // We don't want to change an existing slug
    		if (!empty($slug)) {return $slug;}
    		$s = trim($_POST['post_title']);
    		$s = iconv('utf-8', 'windows-1251', $s);
    		//$s = mb_strtolower($s, 'windows-1251');
    		$s = $this->cyr_strtolower(strtolower(stripslashes($s)));
    		$s = strtr($s, $this->translit_table);
    		return $s;
    	function cyr_strtolower($a) {
    		// Just in case standard strtolower doesn't work
    		// this function is written by Petko Bossakov
    		return strtr($a,$m);
    $Cyr2LatSlug = new Cyr2LatSlug();
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