Thanks for the reply.
Can you recommend to me which Submission form plugin are suitable for me to compatible with Ultimate WP Query Search Filter or do you have suggestion of plugin that suitable for my submission and search form ( to retrieve data from database) ? I am just a beginner of using wordpress. i would like to create a submission form for y home tuition website that included: 1) New Tutor registration – Name , address ( State, Area ), Email address, Education level ( option : Degree, Master, Phd ),Student Level to teach ( Checkboc : Standard 1, 2,3,4,5,6,Form 1,2,3 )Teaching Subject ( Checkbox , option : English, Economics, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Math, etc ), Available day ( Checkbox, option : Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday ), Available Time ( Checkbox, Option : If Monday: 8am-10am, 10am-12am,12pm-2pm,2pm-4pm,4pm-6pm,6pm-8pm)( If Tuesday: Checkbox, option:8am-10am, 10am-12am,12pm-2pm,2pm-4pm,4pm-6pm,6pm-8pm ), Tutor upload their own picture.
Then, I would like to create search form for user to search the tutor information from the database. Search form: (State ( Checkbox ), Area ( Get key in data ) , Student Level ( Get key in data ), Student Subject ( Get key in data ) ). The system search from database and display the result with the tutor picture.