• Hey everyone, I’m having an issue where the h1 through h5 headers are being included in the excerpt ??

    Is there a way to hide these as it looks really weird. (all the meta for my posts are in the actual post as header tags so there is a bunch of info getting i the way of the excerpt.)

    I tried to get rid of it in css but its all just one tag (in the excerpt).



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  • Thread Starter lacoder


    Hey, just in case anyone else if trying to solve this, I managed to get it working by overwriting the trimming function in my child theme’s ‘function.php’ as follows: (p.s. my text was a < blockquote > so if yours is a < p >, you could try just swapping these)

    // =============================================================================
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
    // Overwrite or add your own custom functions here.
    // =============================================================================
    remove_filter('get_the_excerpt', 'wp_trim_excerpt');
    add_filter('get_the_excerpt', 'improved_trim_excerpt');
    function improved_trim_excerpt($text) { // Fakes an excerpt if needed
      global $post;
      if ( '' == $text ) {
        $text = get_the_content('');
        $text = apply_filters('the_content', $text);
        $text = str_replace('\]\]\>', ']]>', $text);
        $text = strip_tags($text, "<blockquote>");
        $text = explode("<blockquote>", $text);
        $excerpt_length = 55;
        $words = explode(' ', $text[1], $excerpt_length + 1);
        if (count($words)> $excerpt_length) {
          array_push($words, ". . .  " . '<a class="excerpt_readmore" href="' . apply_filters( 'the_permalink', get_permalink() ) . '">' . "(Read More)" . '</a>');
          $text = implode(' ', $words);
    return $text;
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