• Hi all.
    I don’t know where exactly to place this question. But it has to do with multisites. So….

    Is there a way to have certain plugins activated on the whole network but having their options show up only for the super admin or even better to only certain sites? Right now there is either show ALL plugins or not.
    Let me explain. I use the wp db backup. It is a very good but also a very dangerous plugin in the wrong hands. I want to have it activated globally but NOT show it’s options on other admins. Only to super-admin. Same with plugins like shokingly simple favicon or Custom Headers and Footers etc.

    Things were simpler when I was the only administrator. I could hide specific options using Adminimize.

    Thanx in advance

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  • This might be a bit difficult to do without making some modifications to the plugin itself, so that the plugin settings are only available to users with the Super Admin role. Unfortunately this isn’t well-documented in the Codex yet so I’m not entirely sure of the best way to do that.

    If you want a plugin to be available globally without giving administrators a choice of running it, one option is to create an “mu-plugins” directory inside of your wp-content directory (“mu” stands for “Must-Use”). Any plugins that get dropped in this directory are automatically run on all sites by WordPress no matter what.

    I’d give that a try, but as I said, the plugin might still need further modifications to accomplish what you want.

    Unfortunately this isn’t well-documented in the Codex yet so I’m not entirely sure of the best way to do that.

    wrap it in a is_site_admin check. ??

    Dropping plugin in the mu-plugins folder shoudl really be thought over a LOT. I woudl not plunk the db backup plugin in there, for example. It will run all the time, and it will not hide menu items from that folder.

    Thread Starter marikamitsos


    @ webmacster87,
    I have already used the “mu-plugins” directory technique. Even with that I somehow did not manage to have the desired result. i don’t think it can be achieved and as andrea_r pointed

    It will run all the time, and it will not hide menu items from that folder.

    Frankly, I find it quite pointless to have someone as an administrator, showing him/her the options to “the plugin” and asking them not to touch it. Furthermore, some people do not take it lightly if they are told not to mess around with the settings. In some cases I even had reactions like: “Why, do you think I’m dumb?”, “I’m the admin, I can do whatever I want”, “I am the client. It is my database. If I make a mistake it is my own responsibility”, “You worry too much. Relax”.
    On the other hand, I do not think it is an issue that should be addressed by individual plugin developers. At this very moment the plugins counter reads 10160.
    When we run a multi site we cannot expect a uniform knowledge and behaviour by all administrators. What happens now is: You don’t get to show the plugins activated on their site, but they still see and can mess around with their options. They can even see the little cloud saying “Six to be updated”.
    Furthermore, there are plugins that should be touched by experienced admins ONLY.

    So, I definitely believe that it has to be addressed -as I mentioned before- in a much deeper level while still in the core of the system.

    Till then the right plugin will do. Any suggestions?

    There was a free plugin that handled this (sort of) by disabling certain menus. But the plugin hoster took it down. :-/

    No idea if the original author will upload it to the repo.

    It was something similar to this one:

    They can even see the little cloud saying “Six to be updated”.

    Hmm, this should be fixed. If they can’t update them, they shouldn’t see the update notice.

    Hiding options for selected network activated plugins from the site admins, is this feature available in WP 3.1?
    If not, can it be done manually?

    Moderator Ipstenu (Mika Epstein)


    ?????? Advisor and Activist

    If not, can it be done manually?

    And you’re free to recode some plugins with an is_super_admin aroudn the menu items.

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