• Post here:


    There should be a space between the paragraphs but the auto formatting of WordPress is throwing the whole thing off and stuffing it all together.

    Is there some way to hard code in and force a line break between paragraphs? No matter the amount of empty spaces I try to put in WordPress gets rid of all of them. There must be some formatting that WordPress will see as a line break and let me put one in.

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  • Well, if you must hand code, wrap paragraphs in <p>...</p> tags and use <br /> for a new line.

    Or, if you’re using the WP 2.x WYSIWYG editor, get in the habit of hitting enter TWICE when starting a new paragraph. That will be seen as indication to wrap the preceeding paragraph with p tags.

    A little goofy? yeah. Easy to get used to and better than hand-coding? yeah.

    Oh wait, a third option. Turn off that dang WYSIWYG thing and use the old WP post editor instead. ??

    Admin -> Users. Scroll down to the bottom and uncheck the “Use Visual Rich Editor” option.

    Thread Starter lordjezo



    I also found this thing:


    It seems to work as well when I turn it off the formatting and choose different options in the boxes. I will try out your version as well. If I turn off the WYSIWYG editor will it auto format things or will it just accept whatever html code I put in?

    Turning off the wysiwyg editor gives you a bunch more leeway in what you can put in a post. The “old” editor also seems to be a bit smarter about figuring out where the paragraph tags should go (one of your initial issues).

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