• Resolved Christian Denat



    I know that this has been already posted but I did not find any snippet to start from.

    My needs:

    I have a pagination function (simply prev and next) that works for any kind of posts, Cpt …

    Actually for events, the pagination is linking next and prev posts, not events in chronological order.
    What I would like to know is how I can implement specific methods get_previous_event, get_next_event in order to make a pagination by chronology.
    It could be also a scope (next previous) or even a placeholder,it doesn’t matter …

    I’m really familiar with placeholders or scopes customization but her, it’s just the black hole….

    Any idea or sample code ?



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  • Plugin Support angelo_nwl


    at the moment this is not possible without custom php coding; please see em-functions.php function em_paginate() for more details.

    Thread Starter Christian Denat


    I found a solution to find the next or previous event from any event.
    But I did not know if it is the best or not!

    I’m looking for the same events on the same day, regarding the time (next/previous) or for next/previous days…

    $the_event = em_get_event($post->ID,’post_id’);
    $the_date = $the_event->event_start_date;
    $the_time = $the_event->event_start_time;
    // Checks next event
    $next = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare(“
    WHERE ((event_start_date = %s and event_start_time>%s) or (event_start_date>%s)) ORDER BY event_start_date,event_start_time”,

    // Checks previous event
    $prev = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare(“
    WHERE ((event_start_date = %s and event_start_time<%s) or (event_start_date<%s)) ORDER BY event_start_date DESC ,event_start_time DESC”,

    Any possible improvement ?

    Looks good to me.

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