• I have a custom designed logo that I want to display as the header. <ost headers in the templates are too small. Having to crop the image destroys the logo. This is my first day using wordpress.

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  • It can be done by adding a filter in functions.php if you using twentyten theme as i am using twentyten child theme.

    add this just after <?php at very top

    function my_header_height($size){
    return 100;
    function my_header_width($size){
    return 700;

    You can change 100 700 to your size.

    Now if you go to upload a header image you will see the new size.

    Thread Starter JoeJ1049


    This is the way I entered the code you sent to me. I’m showing it in context of what was there already. Is this correct?

    Thanks Gov

    Theme Name: Twenty Ten<?php
    function my_header_height($size){
    return 415;
    function my_header_width($size){
    return 797;
    Used to style the TinyMCE editor.
    html .mceContentBody {
    * {
    font-family: Georgia, “Bitstream Charter”, serif;
    color: #444;
    line-height: 1.5;

    Thread Starter JoeJ1049


    Hmm…….I must not have done it correctly. It’s still asking me to crop it

    Did you add that to functions.php

    Thread Starter JoeJ1049


    I thought adding the code and hitting “upload file” was all I had to do. How do you add it to Functions.php? Again, only first day. Sorry if I seem so lame. I read a lot of material but after a while it all seems to run together. I’m under pressure to get this site up and that doesn’t help either. I’d like it to function more like a web page rather than a blog. I was assured this was the easiest way to go. By the way, did you get a mesage from me at GBP Central? I joined but it didn’t seem to send the message when I hit the send button.

    Log in admin
    In appearance click on editor
    on right you have all files click on functions.php
    you will see the code
    paste code as I have in post above.

    I have not checked the message as I just came back and checked my emails.

    @joej1049 I checked in friend connect and there nothing there if you register on my website I have installed chat room in backend and you can send messages from there as well I can help with your website and answer your questions while chating set the time we can meet.

    Thread Starter JoeJ1049


    I am regestered on the site. I have left a message in friends connect. I also tried, a second time, to leave a message on the “contact” page but get no response when I click the “quick connect” button after typing in the code.

    I will be available all day. Your generosity is deeply apprciated. Please let me know when you will be available.


    I will check why the quick connect contact us not working I do not see as registered member on my backend yet did you click on activation email.what time zone you in so that I can make plan to meet you in chatroom

    Thread Starter JoeJ1049


    Eastern Standard Time. It said I was regestered and I could see a picture of me down in the lower right hand corner next to yours.

    You are added in friend connect if you click on register where login form is you will registering on my site.I got the email I will call you at around about 12.00 noon if that ok we both are in same time zone.

    The code provided worked to an extent. It did enlarge the header, but it is off center and going off the screen to the right. I do I center it?

    @nativewisdom Need see your url see what you have.

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